She was not crazy, it was a pose, a stance she took as others did happiness. This was the measure of holiness, she supposed, to act according to your nature and hold to that.

She was very self-aware, a type (she termed herself so, she had studied the subject known as "Victorian types" with Professor George P. Landow, a noted scholar, and had learned from him, via Thomas Hartwell Horne, that "a type may be defined to be a symbol of something future and distant, or an example prepared and evidently designed by God to prefigure that future thing") and so, when she chewed plug tobacco it was something meaningful, itself and not a symbol (this was what type meant) and in any case not untypical of the peculiarities and idiosyncrasies of students at Brown University, which she had attended not unhappily.

Likewise her knife prefigured The Triumph of the Innocents.

Sometimes she spent whole days drinking spring water in order to purify herself for The Triumph of the Innocents, a common Victorian theme which someone as ignorant as Stanko could not be expected to know. Professor Landow was elegant and often wore a British tailored blue blazer, close at the waist with tasteful brass buttons. His shoes were benchmade black pumps of the sort worn through history by English kings.