ABOUT lexia to perplexia
Lexia to Perplexia, was developed for the trAce Online Writing Community's INCUBATION Conference (July, 2000 Nottingham Trent University).
The piece appears online at the Iowa Review Web.

Lexia to Perplexia began as an observation of the fluctuating and ever-evolving protocols and prefixes of internet technology as applied to literary hypermedia. As well, Lexia to Perplexia was originally meant as a critique of both the Author and User/Reader positions in relation to web-based literary content.

Though remnants of this scholarly intent may remain within the piece, I believe that what is present in the final work is more fictive than critical, and more an example than a critique. All resources are obfuscated by a process which began with severe pre|medi(t)ation. The collection of various sources are merged to form a single analect then edited, parsed, encoded... These fragments are further mediated through my own writing, merged and entirely rewritten. Some fragments of text have converted into functionality concepts and removed from the superficial textual body of the work. The method, the process for the creation of this work is implied in the title -- as I moved from lexical, authorial texts (see bibliograph) into a melange of disparate media and intentions. From focus to foci...

The Process of Attachment
Cyb|Organization and its Dys|Content(s) - Sign.mud.Fraud
Cycl(ad)ic Trading: The Minoan Network
(s)T(ex)T(s) and Intertimacy
Ka Space: encryption >book< of the dead
Metastrophe: Temporary miniFestos