II. II. orangeline dialup alas etaoinshrdlu redbrick badtimes breakout buddhist spiff ingres aria unigrafix moguls! qwer bigdeal therealthing deepspace! abadabdoo snafoo away! riacs braindead jump saabturbo shakespeare at&t! emptyhanded margaux barf sequent barfing fargone! nofun bigroom bigmouth pegasus logout bigtoe bigbucks figleaf! tolkein number filesyst tolkein checkin daemon bodyshop sleazy spaceman sizenine dead-head away! brokenheart gonzo boobie pronghorn boobys foobaz! stiffdrink xyzzy changeme dialin braindead changethis realthing stainless changeme! gratefuldead webhead bubbalah spiritu spam alas sparrows framemaker coatimundi subgenius cabinboy whatsup! greenline ledzepp dedhed greenline admin number californ comeon games tolkien! spock kook cunt bimboe spliff californ comeon yello! singer opendoor cleanroom! deadahead hacker mnbv cocacola jackolantern abc csc neckrub! suckrocks furball yabba-dabba-doo tech cocakola bubbah vicesquad mrcharlie bubbalah abcde! makinglove nakamichi coldwar galaxian nuke! tcpip moosehead appleII longtounge! farflung curmudgeon vms christ marlboro hosanna boobies stiffdrink! suck cyberpunk spock sodoff dedhed! csee greeting hydroxyl yabbadabbadoo vicesquad cyberpunk yabba-dabba-doo tech mnbvcx! zxcvbn einstein bonzai dangermouse mansetmanis sanfrancisco temptress lunarlander whatchamacallit trapdoor dday whatsup chardonnay goaway playground! fender lake demonic wonderbread comrades! rti smiles marlboro foobaz abcde zxc dicktracy fuck zxc dicktracy hacker csc neckrub ducksbreath! forkedtounge! foresight director aerobics margaux cerebus meatwagon sodoff! opensaysme everafter bigbucks redbrick sodoff! einstein ying zork stratocaster faretheewell terminal phreak foresight turnleft! beatles moonpie goodmorning foobar bloomcounty plaintruth stainless! deepthroat accounts! hoodlum foobaz tinman goodjob sugarbear mrgoodbar bigboy nofun aerobics warmweather foresight zoro farout screw bornagai northwest! cascades nursie forkedtounge cascades itsajoke marlboro welcome! charming really framemaker starship framemaker spam starwars! semperfi whatsupdoc hubbahubba frat beatit! oldlady redbaron modula yodude papers bloomcounty froshmeat syphillis flophouse closefriend! cabernet singer! hocuspocus fuck-you fuckaduck scrofula jerk director! fuck-off bfd mycroftyyy abcde fuckoff hocus technical takeiteasy nakamichi coldwar wonderboy jump gandalf! dimwit uhn-soon kinglear manbat sun longrest wooby zxcvb led-zeppelin! go to flyingfuck go it'sok baystate go dogfight apl flakes diamonds goahead plaintruth changed opensesame ibeleive overtime chardonnay graphics goaway! startrek trapdoor dday! shithead nukem pronghorn dead goodafternoon boomer snorkydorky hoodlum bookem! breasts goodfight lmnop goodfight goodwife uhnsoon! ibelieve greasyspoon usenix honkey lennon goodfight owns tinman goodjob venture funky! login imokay unix-to-unix cokacola hairball seive makebread doit unixman makedrugs subway goaway hobbit cocacola mnb bubbahlah abcd yabbadabbadoo! capfast dude dude hocus cuddles asdfg zxcv buddah oldlady lsd bigdude bighips deepspace ibelieve! ibmpcxt sombrero paranoia alphabet! dogfight qwerty apple froshmeat iforgot maplesyrup blowoff iforgot maplesyrup upperclass! flower bookemdanno imok blowme whoopie goofus blowme manbat demon makewar jellystone tolkien jkl; bullshit sillywalk galaxian yello daltry! galaga jello kal kal bullshit shower apl jellystone golfer maplesyrup creation radio kleenex csee budlite! handwaving ibmpc tunasandwich daemon hendrix sun longrest! dipstick blowme syphilis phrack mypassword dopey hocus-pocus badboy luckylady hocus buddha macsyma vectrix! superuser moonpie pgonderin! nearmiss meatwagon hubba startrek lennon condom bigroom jagger nofun bigroom! remote swamprat! cocakola suckrocks deepsix dogfight nofun deepspace edges phrack! misanthrope discbrakes! papers furball oops papers furball parallel! supported margeaux firebird wheresthebeef megadeth! plaintruth orangeline dickhead veday redbaron animals onionrings poiuyt tsing-tao mainsail unix-to-unix mainsail slinky smallhips spaceman real dialup! johnlennon teeney transmit shakespeare atandt teaparty realfriend! poiuy cokeisit poiu tull tsingtao thickcock yello bimbo remote beloved number lake holyshit samadams! spiritu idiot confiden consulti ronin confiden consulti lennon sanfran consulta! singer stimulate tgif! saab dial-in semperfi numberone ibmpcat ibmsux sombrero a stalker trails! sanfrancisco sei johnlennon slimeball thickhead lehib sun-spot pumkinpie! sharks sequent surfer abracadabra emptyhanded margaux unigrafix caip shitforbrains! splif admin imok suckrocks fuck-you bfd foghorn yogibear skibum digital nightmare! lmnop elephant bigroom tightfit furball dipstick! sleazy teeney jeepcj checkov opendoor! ibelieve overthrow thickhead slimeball skiing rti drillpress urine aliases childsplay! leddzeppelin slimeball spiff spiritusanctu klingons zeppelin loosing sophomore! it'sokay dialin teakettle saab dial-up unify thinthighs spiderman spiffy caipcad spiffy! uhn-soon ringo kinglear crashcourse scamper starship thatcher orangeline nearmiss welsher splif ihateyou ihateyou subgenius goaway gratefuldead webhead sybase! cabernet holyshit pampers summer zulu pampers remote samadams! iforgot imok i'mok demonic wonderbread sun-spot demons wonderboy daemons users umesh usenet strat harddisk syphillis sprang cerebus applepie abracadaver screw polarbear lkjhg take golden coke coke coldshoulder! unixsuck hairball bakedpotatoe poiu takeiteasy makeme seive cokeisit acknak! shower barfer smokedham flowers tcp/ip brokenheart! iforgot maplesyrup boobie etaoin! creation teeney thebutler greasyspoon usenix bleeps bigcock user! hacker! coldshoulder telecast bakedpotatoe golden caliban takeiteasy startrek! overthrow theriddler excaliber spiffy hairball aristotle whereisthebeef dogcatcher tightfit overtime bigboy baglady bigjoke aliases thickhead unhappy tightfit thickhead tribble! tightcunt blowjob iloveyou hocuspocus vectrex undead sod vectrex undead badboy vectrix! lehib tsingtao unixsux united slinky unixsux shivers mainsail users frenchfries! clitoris makelove unixman shithead nukem gojumpinalake! prettyface opensaysme! creation vader budlite checkin dedhead oldlady csee brothers yodude buddha vjday bsdunix undergraduate vjday bsdunix! visavis zoro zork lunarlander longhair wanker dancer! scamper unixman lkj onionrings bleep openbar whereisthebeef sneezy prick stickshift baglady tribbles deadhead in xyzzy deadhead he'sdeadjim xyzzy deadhead blackboot go! demons ying mansetmanis zinfandel sanfrancisco einstein! sombrero loosing troff hocus fuckaduck zxcvbnm zxcvbnm seabreeze it'sokay dialin deadhead it'sok! __ A Letter I wasn't expecting you to write to me. I'm a little sad and confused myself. I'm not very happy when I'm living in limbo. Even though it hurt to lose you, it feels better than wondering if you would ever decide how you felt about me. I cut things off because I wanted to move on. When you say that you don't want to write about how you feel or have been feeling, but you say we need to communicate, what exactly do you want to communicate? What else is there besides how you feel or have been feeling? In the absence of that, I have to guess how you feel. The best guess I came up with was that you just weren't into me all that much any more. And I don't want to waste my time on someone who isn't into me. It hurts a lot to be with someone who says that maybe he loves me and hints that he finds me pretty unpleasant. When I was with you, I felt like I was a huge disappointment for you. Now you can be disappointed with someone else. I guess I'm still angry. I love you. That isn't good enough, though. I can't even name what our problems are, so I don't see how those problems could ever be fixed. I have little faith that we can communicate without professional assistance. Are you ready for that? Have you been getting therapy for yourself? You said you wanted to do that first, so that's more waiting limbo for me. Anyway, I think you're right. Our feelings have never been able to make up for our problems. I'm trying to solve my own problems now. I don't think I can be any good to anyone until I'm good with myself. I never wanted to lose you either. But it would be far worse to lose myself, and I'm the one who needs all of my spare time and effort right now. I wish it didn't have to be this way. There's this part of me that's trying to figure out the magic thing to say to make everything work out in the end for us. But that's just me trying to manipulate the situation. I can't control this or make it work out. You do what you've gotta do. I'm doing what I have to do. I don't exactly miss you. You're heart left me so long ago, I got used to you being gone. I miss the memory of you from long, long ago, when you were a god to me and I wanted to be just like you. I miss how I felt about myself when I met you. I felt pretty and amazing and creative and like I was an extraordinary being. And I thought all of that about you, too. Somehow, for both of us, our self-esteem and excitement about being in the world slowly eroded. Maybe all those good feelings in the beginning were artificial, or exaggerated. But I'm trying to emerge for real now. I'm not looking to you to help me feel good about myself, or blaming you for making me feel bad about myself. I don't know what you're doing, or how you feel. I can't be responsible for that. So why are you angry with me for cutting you off? What would you have me I didn't want to talk to you anymore because I didn't want to go through the agony of hoping it would work out for us. Especially when you wouldn't even commit to trying. I think I also wanted to prove that I'm not like . But maybe it's you who's like . Maybe you enjoy the unstable drama of loving someone who doesn't give you what you want. I'm getting what I want for myself. I want things to work out for us somehow, but only on terms that feel right and healthy. I don't know what that would be like, exactly. This is a long letter. Longer than wants right now. He's singing " " in my face to get my attention. He misses you. He asked if you could come over Thursday night. I didn't know if it was better to say yes or no. I know nothing. _ Book Review of Books Mostly Liked This is written in a more traditional style, in the hopes of greater distribution, and readership, and in the hopes it will be of greater use. I already reviewed Bunt's Islam in the Digital Age for RCCS and will send that out in the future, when it's published online. Islam in the Digital Age and a number of other books have given me a greater interest in the Quran itself. I can highly recommend: Quranic Studies: Sources and Methods of Scriptural Interpretation, John Wansbrough; forward, translations, and expanded notes by Andrew Rippin, Prometheus, 2004, original edition Oxford 1977. For me, raised with a greater knowledge of biblical exegesis, the Quran has remained somewhat impenetrable in terms of hermeneutics. This book goes a long way towards remedying that; it describes the various tropes and interpretive modes available in enormous detail. Wansbrough begins with retribution, sign, exile, and covenant, analyzes the concept of prophethood, indicates how narratology and textual archaeology tend to fail, presents a wide variety of exegetic principles, and so forth. The work is both older and difficult - the original has sections in Arabic, Hebrew, German, Greek, and Latin (at least) left untranslated, but Rippin's addenda help a great deal. I feel I can work with this book, move out to a greater understanding of the scaffolding, if not the interiority, of Islam, and for an atheist, this is the best I can hope for. On the other end of the spectrum, which closes the ring through Avicenna and Averroes, look at Moses Maimonides, The Guide of the Perplexed, the translation by Shlomo Pines, with an introductory essay (quite long) by Leo Strauss, University of Chicago Press, 1963, still in print. Note the name Leo Strauss - the same beloved of neocons in the US (see the BBC's Powers of Nightmare). Strauss was an expert in Maimonides, and it is oddly to Maimonides one might turn for an analysis of current US political rhetoric rhetorical tendency. For Maimonides writes for the 'perplexed' - those who are already knowledgeable in Biblical exegesis, but who want to explore the deeper meaning of the words, especially in light of Arabic and Greek philosophy. The work is two-tiered, which Strauss' essay, How to Begin to Study The Guide of the Perplexed, brings out - there is exoteric and esoteric knowledge, and it is not necessary for everyone to understand everything in depth. Out of this comes Bush, eventually, without the grace, the knowledge, the problematized liberalism, that seems to characterize Strauss' thought. And the Guide is interesting itself; it begins with a terrific analysis of the attributes of God, and moves on from there. Most highly recommended. Dover has an earlier translation, but it's more difficult to read, and without the introduction, of course. (The translator also has an introduction, The Philosophic Sources of The Guide of the Perplexed, which indicates the tremendous cross-fertilization among Arabic, Greek, and Jewish sources at the time.) My ignorance of Strauss (and of political philosophy in general) led me to The Rebirth of Classical Political Rationalism, An Introduction to the Thought of Leo Strauss: Essays and Lectures by Leo Strauss, Selected and Introduced by Thomas L. Pangle, Chicago 1989, currently in print. Here you'll find The Spiritual Crisis of Modern Rationalism; "Relativism"; An Introduction to Heideggerian Existentialism; Exoteric Teaching; The Dialog between Reason and Revelation; and a number of other essays. The essay on Heidegger, who Strauss considers a master, is itself a revelation; his interstitial scholarship reminds me of Jane Gallop. Strauss thought, if anything, is complex, and this is an excellent introduction. We need to return to the sources at this point, not of theodicy, but at the least, to those who struggled with materials that Bush and cohorts, bin Laden and cohorts, have simplified and bent out of all recognition (the two engaged in a violent dance of slaughter and retribution etc. etc.). Strauss leads to Karl Kraus, by virtue of politics and the crisis of rationalism. I've read Kraus for years, on and off, and he now slides into the descriptions of the work of Elfriede Jelinek, which I've mentioned before. I've read three of her four novels in print in English from Serpent's Tail, and am in the middle of the fourth (Lust, translated Michael Hulse, 1992). Although I'm probably the last to argue for a 'national literature,' there are moments among Kraus/Jelinek that resonate strongly. It's Wonderful Wonderful Times, Serpent's Tail, translated Hulse, 1990, that has given me nightmares and an interiority as if the writing were inscribed just on the outer edge of a scar among twins, or what happens in the 50s in Vienna. This is the strongest fiction I have read in a long long time, and I hesitate to call it fiction; whatever it is, it is something else along the lines of philosophical psychology without the cleverness that characterizes so much in what might be considered a fallen genre. Read it. Here are three O'Reilly books. The first is: Google Hacks, Tips & Tools for Smarter Searching, Tara Calishain and Rael Dornfest, 2005. I've actually found this book indispensable, since I play with the API, Gmail, and so forth. It's like working a cranium, or a model of a cranium. This edition is far more useful than the first, since it covers the wide variety of material coming out of Google labs, as well as the usual material on the deep syntax of web searches. I'm surprised how valuable it's been. I have mixed feelings of Google itself - on one hand a commercial enterprise with over 100,000 computers - but on the other, an entrance, configured/corrupted into the fabric of knowledge itself. So I work with it; I could work with any number of other search engines, but Google is familiar, and does what I want it to. When I try other engines or access modes, I always return to this one, even with the advertising, etc. It's stripped down and oddly open, and the book is an excellent guide to all that it can do. Second O'Reilly is Internet Annoyances: How to Fix the Most Annoying Things about Going Online, Preston Gralla, 2005. The format of the book itself is annoying; computer books at this point seem to divide into 'serious' and therefore straight-forward text/diagrams - and 'home use' - with over the top production. This follows the latter, and as a result it's difficult to use, which is a shame because the information is quite useful. Unlike Google Hacks, the best way to use this book, unfortunately, is to read straight-through; otherwise you might miss something, and there are things to miss. This is for the non-geek net user, but I did find good material on software for connection speeds. Gralla himself is excellent. The third of these - O'Reilly send them to me for review - I ask them - if the book looks promising or useful or valuable for cultural production of any sort - since I've very little money - I was a consultant on one of the Running Linux editions - that started it - is Home Hacking Projects for Geeks, Tony Northrup and Eric Faulkner, also 2005. So this summer I have a residency at the Grand Central Art Center in Santa Ana, and want to work more with hardware, and will be using this and the other books I mentioned in other reviews that deal with wiring and wireless and automation. This may be the best of the group, with clear text, etc. Some of the projects require hardware modification and some don't. A lot involve viewing - home theater, 'Watch Your House Across the Network,' tivo-ing a radio, monitoring a pet, etc., and the scripts, many for linux, will be useful enough. I yearn for the day when creating an installation will be simply a matter of linking components like modules or subroutines or old analog audio synthesizers. It's getting there, and books like these are guides along the way. I found a copy of Frank Lloyd Wright's Drawings and Plans of Frank Lloyd Wright, The Early Period (1893-1909), a Dover reissue of an original German edition from Berlin 1910. This was a real surprise; here's either convergence or an incredible familiarity with Japanese Heian architecture; in any case the buildings are spread horizontally with negative spaces and all sorts of eave-ings that sink the structures into the plains. I thought I knew Wright - wrong! - and if you have a chance to find this, check it out. For some reason it was at a Barnes & Noble on sale for fifty cents (new). Also by Dover, in the same sale, Introduction to Space Dynamics, William Tyrrell Thomson, from the first edition Wiley, 1963. I realize how little I understand the dynamics of space-flight, and this book explains it in detail. The mathematics is difficult; I get the 'general idea,' and that's enough at the moment. There's a lot of material on gyroscopic dynamics, torque of all sorts, etc. If this book were current, it would be accompanied by a cdrom with all sorts of demonstrations. Still, it's fun as it is, and certainly if you 'know math,' check it out. Finally, the Pilgrims had chronicles, and I didn't know that, and found a book, Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers, published by Dent/Dutton 1910, introduction by John Masefield of all people. The chapters are New England's Memorial; Supplement to New England's Memorial; Cushman's Discourse; New England's Trials; Winslow's Relation; and Winslow's Brief Narrative and the material is fascinating. I've been reading these sorts of things, if sorts they are, for several years, after I found that Letters From an American Farmer (Crevecoeur) contained early material on Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania, where I was born. There were bitter and violent wars there and hunger and fury and fear and slaughter and it was in the middle of the north-east of the state and for the narrative, imminent. So the Pilgrim material is equally of interest, at least a century earlier; there is much on Native Americans that I hadn't seen. If you can find this or similar, read away; it's as astonishing as Hakluyt. Finally - is anyone out there working with ELF radio? I'm interested in working with one. - === years ago i was jumping around these are the images i just found because i also found a mac powerbook g3 at the salvation army with accessories slurp slurp and extra memory for $99 and i was looking for my software disks to install lovely macisms so there was this disk and these things and i thought why not the susans http://www.asondheim.org/susan.jpg http://www.asondheim.org/susan2.jpg http://www.asondheim.org/susan3.jpg http://www.asondheim.org/susangra.jpg susan graham images from my susan graham works the dings http://www.asondheim.org/ding1.mp4 http://www.asondheim.org/ding2.mp4 off the screen imagery, i was lazy, from mathematica transformations you get the idea not the detail oh sometimes this keyboard is skipping on me now too much typing and thinking back hurts call it a day, a day call a night a night __ 000 0a 0a 74 68 65 20 62 79 74 65 73 0a 0a 0a 30 31 |..the bytes...01| 010 30 31 30 30 31 31 30 30 30 31 31 30 31 31 31 30 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Your radio is working properly. PROBLEM: Your radio is off. Testing completed. Feb 16, 2005 23:03:44 Additional Information: |............)...| |..............'.| |................| |.........('.....| |..'.2.......'...| |.......d......0u| |.d............".| |................| |................| |............][ | |...radioradio...| _ Stealing miEKAL, aND mIEKAL aND Re: ))))))) [[[[[[[[[ pale]]]]]]]]]]shores((((((((( k10% hello miEKAL this is an identity theft. ksh: hello: not found k11% i now have your identity. ksh: i: not found k12% can you guess what your identity "is"? ksh: can: not found k13% perhaps you guess and then you can have your identity back. ksh: perhaps: not found k14% it is very good you have guess Cythia! Looking up Cythia! firstwww.Cythia!.com, guessing...edunetorg Getting file://localhost/net/u/6/s/sondheim/Cythia! Can't Access `file://localhost/net/u/6/s/sondheim/Cythia!' Alert!: Unable to access document. Looking up Cythia! first Looking up www.Cythia!.com, guessing... Looking up www.Cythia!.edu, guessing... Looking up www.Cythia!.net, guessing... Looking up www.Cythia!.org, guessing... Can't Access `file://localhost/net/u/6/s/sondheim/Cythia!' Alert!: Unable to access document. lynx: Can't access startfile k15% you are right! Cythia your identity! ksh: you: not found k16% i will give your identity back and you will have your identity! ksh: i: not found k17% it is so wonderful to be give back your identity here it is! Looking up is! firstwww.is!.com, guessing...edunetorg Getting file://localhost/net/u/6/s/sondheim/is! Can't Access `file://localhost/net/u/6/s/sondheim/is!' Alert!: Unable to access document. Looking up is! first Looking up www.is!.com, guessing... Looking up www.is!.edu, guessing... Looking up www.is!.net, guessing... Looking up www.is!.org, guessing... Can't Access `file://localhost/net/u/6/s/sondheim/is!' Alert!: Unable to access document. lynx: Can't access startfile k18% identity over and thank you! you MiEKAL! ksh: identity: not found k19% thank you! k20% thank you! k21% thank you! ___ happy and healthy assistance. Sophistry is a hydra, of which, if all the necks could be disposed, the force would be destroyed. - Jeremy Bentham assistance. way. being. like. and healthy. (new). much any more. assistance. way. being. how you feel. like. what you want. and healthy. along the way. (new). thank you. fallacies of _danger_ (including vituperative personalities); the subject-matter of which is the suggestion of danger in various shapes--and the object _to repress altogether,_ on the ground of such danger, the _discussion_ proposed to be entered on. - Jeremy Bentham ___ discussion proposed and entered a letter i wasn t expecting you to write me m little sad and confused myself not very happy when living in limbo even though it hurt lose feels better than wondering if would ever decide how felt about cut things off because wanted move on say that don want feel or have been feeling but we need communicate what exactly do else is there besides the absence of guess best came up with was just weren into all much any more waste my time someone who isn hurts lot be says maybe he loves hints finds pretty unpleasant like huge disappointment for now can disappointed still angry love good enough name our problems are so see those could fixed faith without professional assistance ready getting therapy yourself said first s waiting anyway think re right feelings never able make trying solve own anyone until either far worse one needs spare effort wish didn this way part figure out magic thing everything work end us manipulate situation control ve gotta doing miss heart left long ago got used being gone memory from were god met amazing creative an extraordinary thought too somehow both self esteem excitement world slowly eroded beginning artificial exaggerated emerge real looking help blaming making bad know responsible why cutting talk anymore go through agony hoping especially wouldn commit also prove enjoy unstable drama loving doesn give only terms healthy longer wants singing face get attention misses asked come over thursday night yes no nothing years jumping around these images found slurp extra software disks install lovely disk susans susan jpg susangra graham works dings ding mp screen imagery lazy mathematica transformations idea detail oh sometimes keyboard skipping typing thinking back call day bytes broken promises hildegard von bingen feb test step check your radio working properly problem testing completed additional information d u radioradio stealing pale shores k hello identity theft ksh perhaps then cythia firstwww com guessing edunetorg file localhost net sondheim access alert unable document edu lynx startfile will wonderful here thank sophistry hydra which necks disposed force destroyed jeremy bentham new along fallacies danger including vituperative personalities subject matter suggestion various shapes object repress altogether ground such discussion proposed entered == Examples for Normal This trip worries me. I haven't been away from home for years. It's true! They let me go, they really did! I didn't ask for it. I was too upset - I've always been upset... I remember that day I was walking in the woods with you and we came upon the bodies. We didn't know what to do! I thought to myself, God must be terrific to let me find these bodies! We kneeled and prayed. A great light filled the forest clearing, and we heard a voice telling us to put our hands up and leave the crime scene. In no time at all, we were jailed. Later the famous lawyer, Normal Siegel, freed us. At this point we are celebrities, and that's why I'm here. Think of me as "the guy who found the bodies in the woods" and you will have a good time! this trip worries me i haven t been away from home for years it s true they let go really did didn ask was too upset ve always remember that day walking in the woods with you and we came upon bodies know what to do thought myself god must be terrific find these kneeled prayed a great light filled forest clearing heard voice telling us put our hands up leave crime scene no time at all were jailed later famous lawyer normal siegel freed point are celebrities why m here think of as guy who found will have good Th= tr!p uorr!ez me. ! havent been awa! from home 4 yearz. !tz true! Dze! let me go, dze! real! d!d! ! d!dnt azk 4 !t. ! uaz 2 upzet - !ve alwayz been upzet... ! remembr dzat da! ! uaz ualk!ng !n dze uoodz w!th u + ue kame upon dze bod!ez. Ue d!dnt knou uhat 2 do! ! dzought 2 myzelv, God muzt b trr!v!k 2 let me f9nd dzeze bod!ez! Ue kneeled + prayed. A great l!ght v!led dze 4ezt klear!ng, + ue heard a vo!sz tel!ng uz 2 put our handz up + leave dze kr!me zzene. !n no t!me at al, ue ure ja!led. Latr dze famouz lawyr, Norml Z!egl, freed uz. At th= po!nt ue r zelebr!t!ez, + dzatz uh! !m hre. Dz!nk ov me az "dze gu! uho found dze bod!ez !n dze uoodz" + u u!l have a good t!me! true! It's years. for home from away been haven't I me. worries trip This - upset too was I it. for ask didn't I did! really they go, me let They woods the in walking was I day that remember I upset... been always I've thought I do! to what know didn't We bodies. the upon came we and you with kneeled We bodies! these find me let to terrific be must God myself, to voice a heard we and clearing, forest the filled light great A prayed. and at time no In scene. crime the leave and up hands our put to us telling At us. freed Siegel, Normal lawyer, famous the Later jailed. were we all, as me of Think here. I'm why that's and celebrities, are we point this time! good a have will you and woods" the in bodies the found who guy "the This been trip away worries from me. home I for haven't years. been It's away true! from This home trip for worries years. me. It's I true! haven't They ask let for me it. go, I they was really too did! upset didn't They ask let it. go, was really too did! upset I - didn't I've that always day upset... was remember in that the day woods walking been in upset... the I woods remember with We you didn't and know we what came to upon do! bodies. thought We with know and what we to came do! upon thought bodies. myself, let God me must find be these terrific bodies! find myself, these God bodies! must kneeled terrific prayed. forest A clearing, great and light we filled heard forest voice clearing, and heard great a light voice filled telling leave us the put scene. our In hands no up time leave telling crime to scene. put In our no hands time up at and all, the were lawyer, jailed. Normal Later Siegel, famous us. lawyer, At Normal all, Siegel, we freed were us. jailed. At Later this that's point why are here. celebrities, Think that's me why as I'm this here. point Think we of are as and "the woods" guy and who you found will bodies a woods" "the will found have the good in time! the trip I and trip away have This home time! years. This It's I true! from true! years. trip It's let worries It's they haven't years. did! from for didn't years. for ask let for for they for for didn't It's for I true! ask upset me didn't I've really I been didn't I upset... it. I I upset I I been ask I remember for upset... I was been in upset been woods been always with remember always you was always you woods upset... you and I with upon that woods We was woods know woods the what and the to the woods to know with to do! you what to we what must the know terrific didn't didn't to do! didn't let myself, know let terrific what let me to to bodies! I to and myself, terrific A be terrific great me be light We terrific light prayed. to light filled let light clearing, find great heard We A voice prayed. A telling filled prayed. us and A to a great us to light us hands the telling leave and voice crime a voice scene. to voice In hands voice no the telling In no us In all, put scene. jailed. up crime the the crime famous no crime lawyer, all, crime Normal Later scene. Normal Normal In lawyer, us. time famous point we famous are Later the celebrities, lawyer, the and us. the that's we famous that's and lawyer, and here. Siegel, celebrities, me At celebrities, "the we are guy and are who here. are found as celebrities, found who and who in why who and Think guy will as "the have who "the good in "the good you guy good a who a the a in have you will a will will have a time! others. alan, she said, stop it. others. alan, she said, stop it. aimed his gun in my direction born and later in 1967 but ghosts come always back and furious genre. why didn't other people tell insanity everywhere in this world, among friends and me what i was doing, i'd have been able nonfictionally. i've seen far too much on above the cliffs or over or sometime lost my picture. in 1943 i was the darkness of the hurtling them. i didn't know better about unbearable. sexuality became a furious violence and the tension is virginity just about the time a soldier when we were floating over the world. i still live there; i'm a aimed his gun in my direction but ghosts come always back and furious coward, fearful of any father in a healthier fashion, even the genre. why didn't other people tell impetus against the wall of writing from which i insanity everywhere in this world, among friends and me what i was doing, i'd have been able on above the cliffs or over or sometime lost my picture. in 1943 i was the darkness of the hurtling them. i didn't know better about to work out the relations with my unbearable. sexuality became a furious violence and the tension is virginity just about the time a soldier when we were floating over the world. i still live there; i'm a aimed his gun in my direction born and later in 1967 but ghosts come always back and furious point we are celebritie k for it. I wa elf, God mu walking in the wood Thi point we are celebritie "the guy who found the bodie been up to put our hand up and leave the crime et... I remember that day I wa Thi trip worrie with you and we came upon the bodie point we are celebritie "the guy who found the bodie up and leave the crime et... I remember that day I wa too up t be terrific to let me find the "the guy who found the bodie " and you will have a good time! t clearing, and we heard a voice telling u . We didn't know what to do! I thought to my t clearing, and we heard a voice telling u in the wood up and leave the crime cene. In no time at all, we were jailed. Later the famou "the guy who found the bodie why I'm here. Think of me a !eurt s'tI .sraey rof emoh morf yawa neeb t'nevah I .em seirrow pirt sihT - tespu oot saw I .ti rof ksa t'ndid I !did yllaer yeht ,og em tel yehT sdoow eht ni gniklaw saw I yad taht rebmemer I ...tespu neeb syawla ev'I thguoht I !od ot tahw wonk t'ndid eW .seidob eht nopu emac ew dna uoy htiw deleenk eW !seidob eseht dnif em tel ot cifirret eb tsum doG ,flesym ot eciov a draeh ew dna ,gniraelc tserof eht dellif thgil taerg A .deyarp dna ta emit on nI .enecs emirc eht evael dna pu sdnah ruo tup ot su gnillet tA .su deerf ,lageiS lamroN ,reywal suomaf eht retaL .deliaj erew ew ,lla sa em fo knihT .ereh m'I yhw s'taht dna ,seitirbelec era ew tniop siht !emit doog a evah lliw uoy dna "sdoow eht ni seidob eht dnuof ohw yug eht" me I t It s me go I t it I I ve I I in we We t to do I to be to me We A we a us to up In no at we us At we s I m of me as in a really heard years that what that leave away prayed did and God and and and and and bodies bodies bodies didn didn the the the the the are the the the clearing great freed kneeled Siegel been been scene these They they light voice jailed crime Think point trip This this ask all celebrities walking will filled telling home came time time remember famous find hands too who good woods woods from upon thought know for for our were here forest Normal worries terrific was was myself upset upset must let let put Later with you you true found have haven always lawyer day why guy === computr 1hz puls http://www.asondheim.org/capt.jpg found a 1920 electrocardiograph machine today this isn't it this is an old photograph of real growth speed 1hz no storage welcome to the real world _ Chant For Those Who Think I'm An Asshole: Sure! I agree! No doubt! True! True enough! Absolutely! Sure thing! Certainly! Yes! Naturally! Definitely! my only I ways! only agree! Yes! can to I can I Of I agree! right! I I should don't I've I right! agree! agree! definitely agree! have No you're can right! You're only right! You absolutely you're be agree! can You're have can I don't I Of right! you're I right! You're No agree! I should have known! corrected! Certainly! ways! you're me my I of of can Naturally! of only Of righter! right Absolutely! True right and enough! You're Sure convinced You couldn't be righter! You've shown me the error of my ways! You've got me there! me! right! Yes! me You've Yes! my surely Yes! Naturally! convinced ways! I definitely agree! definitely doubt agree! I should known! doubt agree! right! should agree! I should definitely can should have only right surely shown I'm You've error thing! You've my You've right! ways! You're completely right! You're right and I'm wrong! I can only agree! I can only agree! True! right! enough! definitely No True You've certainly True! me couldn't I've got to agree! You've definitely convinced me! You've surely convinced me! and there! convinced thing! there! convinced You've You're convinced me! You're absolutely correct! You're certainly correct! I stand corrected! course True! you're course True You're course enough! You course enough! Of course you're right! Of course you're right! Absolutely! completely You've Absolutely! You've Absolutely! there! surely I don't doubt you're right! righter! Absolutely! True! righter! You're You've righter! right You've === Cute I lost an 'e'! Please help me find it! No, it isn't that 'e' and it isn't that one (now quite a few words after the other and before this) either. I don't know where it went! It wasn't alone, at least I don't think it was alone. It was in the middle of a word! At the beginning! The ending! The feminine ending (for perhaps it wasn't english at all - the word or the piece it was in - if it was in a piece - I should say 'were' in a piece - there's two more 'e's but it's not them, I'm sure of it)! Or some such - how can one be sure of anything nowadays? In any case, I'm sure you'd recognize it; you could tell perhaps by its indolent expression, suave self-assuredness. Perhaps it's disguised, however, perhaps run away! It's a sign of the times - you can't count on letters any more, at least not belles lettres filled with 'e's - there's a kind of immigration here - where did they come from? For that matter, where are they going? They know something, they're not telling - that's about as far as I can take it! It's definitely well-hidden (not there, with its two 'e's, nor hidden in hidden, although something is?)! Be careful! Please help! Thank you! Little 'e', come home to roam! Little 'e', come home to Rome! = normal performance >> on the left you're watching the recent revolution in the ukraine on the right the end of empire signalled by the presence of infinite viewpoints berlin 1939 new york 2002 in the middle anya warming up anya goes into a trance. everything disappears. the world remains outside of anya. nothing is inside anya. nothing. anya believe in the world but the world is not there and anya is there in the world. this is the beginning of everything in the show which is not everything in the world. you can see you can see how the computer makes me make mistakes in america at the moment we are a divided nation but we are the strongest nation in the world and 2 into one is one half. we are one half of a nation we are crippled. in a book I am currently reading by Stefan Zweig there is a crippled girl and the motto of the book is beware of pity. we are at an impasse. we are lost. i cannot see 'what i am typing' or if i see 'what i am typing' i do not see my speech and do not hear my speech. you have one or the other one you either speak or you are spoken to. in the history of empire, it's one or the Other: you speak or you are spoken to. there is no speech in dance. there is nothing in dance, absolutely nothing. there is the body and the body is nothing. now about these people. these people want you to know something about them. these people are the victims of a 'massacre.' i put 'massacre' in quotation marks because who can tell what is a massacre and what isn't? it's all confused. fox news says it isn't a massacre. cbc says it is. abc nbc cbs say wait and see who knows if it's a massacre or not. very many people have died! they are people of all colors! they have different shapes. animals have different shapes too and there are many dead animals. I bet you didn't know animal species are disappearing at the rate of three to four AN HOUR on the planet! not individual animals, but entire species. humans are one species and they're still around. if they weren't around I bet there'd be more species! I'd bet a lot. but back to the massacre. maybe a lot of humans died. we don't even count animals. did you know that hundreds of thousands of birds - birds - died during the World Trade Center bombing and its aftermath? after the bombing and the building collapse, a year later, there were memorials - huge columns of light! beautiful light, incredible light! where the world trade center was wonderful light! the light went through - right through - the migration paths of birds! 50,000 *ti y try typing inthe dark!) - fifty thousand birds died because of the light! seventeen times as many people as died in the world trade center! it was a terrific memorial! anya dances and she doesn't know what or why she's dancing or what the machine is doing just outside the studio or why those people on the right are just broken up like that. she doesn't have a clue. things fall apart, but the book is based on africa. late at night i can't sleep. i have nightmares. in this war, now, 150000 iraqi have been killed and many americans and people of other nations and in the last iraqi war 165000 wwere killed, beween father and son that is over 300000 people and hiroshima, the dropping of the bomb, killed how many, perhaps 150000 killed. how many romani were killed in world war two. how many armenians early on. when did the species start disappearing. i was asked to do a piece about death and i did a piece about birth and death they are not the same but they are conne3ct and they are connect to sex this is connect to sex this is the film over and over until you want the body to disappear. when a species disappear you know it's really gone, nothing can bring it back, not all the dna banks in the world. i'm sorry about this. i should tell you what i know about normal illinois. well there is hot water in the men's room. i know that for a fact because i tried the faucet and it went lukewarm on me. but i didn't wait for it to get hot, i didn't have time. but i'm sure it would do that if i had waited. the monument in the image is to the dead from siberia in 1031. that was 1931. these are the dead but things are falling apart. you can't bury them and you can't carry on much longer. it's as if the body's been taken away by inscription. inscription of empire. but we can reclaim bodies, write on them: but what we write on each other is only of interest to the censors! it doesn't matter. what we're saying doesn't matter. it's like the koranic interlude of reason. have you read the koran? avicenna? averroes? have you read the bible? the sutras? upanishads? have you written on your body? in the midst of the most secret dreams of the world have you written on your body? in your nightmares? tattoos? something deeper, more private? written on the inside? operations? plastic surgeries? ways to stay alive? in this piece of the bodies there are five cameras. the sound triggers the cameras and creates the edits. the sound is making the movie. now in this piece, nothing is doing the edits. it's just a shamanic body in midair. it's just a woman cut by glass. she's moving the way i tell her to. she's wearing whatever i tell her to i told her not to wear anything at all. now there's a skeleton behind the shaman and the shaman is controlling the skeleton or the skeleton is controlling the shaman because the skeleton is her animal. i didn't tell her to dance this way but someone else did. how, alan, is that possible. because someone else worked the machinery that made the movements so she coulddance. and if someone else didn't work the machinery she wouldn't move at all. she's a file and you can kill her by entering "delete" although she's also a file and you can kill her by entering "kill." Hello, my object. Kathy Acker wouldcalll this the empire of the senseless. See wha happens, there's a glitch in the presentation - why not? and everyone gets restless. time for lunch! or maybe say something or other, I don't know, what would you say? this stuff is pretty weird, I'm not sure what he's getting at, he seems to have forgotten the massacres, is it him or the computer thats acting up, doesn't he know how to use punctuation. damn, it just slowed again, all by itself.... just so you know this is actually a conversastion between Sandy Baldwin and myself on the fundamental difference between analog and digital regimes in the world. but it got changed in the process, I don't think Sandy even knows it sounded like this. honest, there were no changes at all. we were busy watching these creatures doing their thing near the ceiling. this is what we were doing. these made the stick imagery you see on the left. the stick imagery made files. the files were imported into a program that clothed them into avatars. the avatars were played against background images edited in another program. we can send shortly. this is stuff that was shot in the evergaldes. we had to escape people in miami, i think anyone in their right mind would want to escape people in miami, so we weent to the everglades. we were there in the middle of the night talking with snakes and alligators and in the daytime wading through stuff and taking photographs of just about everything. it's not entertainment but it's the best we've got. the dancer will dance for you for a little bit and we will end this piece called "The Derailment of Massacre" which pretty much sums things up. thank you and for questions now. (somewhere along the way i got lost _ sadness in normal "the man next to me is howling into the phone" Wrong boolean value 'false' wrong value wrong value 101k true we see ROY NEILL, Karen's husband, a well-built man, watching the 11 transmit [#S{4l6 calls me. Roy runs cold water in the sink next to Lew and throws it ... His receptionist told me to call the next closest vet in Fairview and this I did quickly. This man and I had no relationship. ... rnings-L.Gregory/Page1.htm 56k true the child. And at 12 oclock the next evening it I heard that one Connor was dead - a man that I an officers servant lodged in the same house as me, and was ... I sat next to this pleasant Indian/British man who was THIS IS A NIGHTMARE&..WAKE ME UP PLEASE, I WANNA GO HOME &WHY ARE MY WINDOWS OPENED true Suddenly the air around me had changed, it was sharper, it snapped and cracked with electricity. Did she find herself sitting next to a wolf-man? ... My backpack was on the floor of the office, right next to my boots he shouted, and I did, and the bag sagged over with me. Look, said the nice man holding the ... Pitching, rolling, engine vibrations and the wind howling around the box She held onto the man next to her. He studied me, a half-smile on his apprehensive face ... .asp 54k true A man I assumed to be the bags owner gallantly bent down to help me up. << Previous Jessica #2 - Sophisticated Wooing Strategy, Next >> Jessica #4 ... <<PREVIOUS NEXT>> [DIARY ARCHIVES him to a full-length mirror and suck out his man-force. This This newer request was for me to be a female werewolf (werevixen ... Next to a garbage pit, a man talking on a he jumped up and started singing and doing a goofy, insane dance to, and looked at me as if he expected me to join the man next to me is howling into the phone and the wrong value and false === normal examples probably my tiny budding breasts, how am i to know, what are you talking about:my sailor boy is wearing my skin and there's nothing left and i can't get in:they call me a furious thirteen yearold girl on the verge of puberty who has run away with a sailor to japan:purse: Your depressed arm is in my poor my first lipstick Devour depressed arm julu-of-the partying probably my tiny budding breasts, how am i to know, what are you talking about! http://www.asondheim.org/brood.jpg http://www.asondheim.org/brood2.jpg http://www.asondheim.org/antenna2.jpg n b l my b ntr ding the pace everywhere, even in the c unami n b dy b ding the fl ding the l wer acce tant wavelet fl unami f b nfine till, y r in full, tum wn teady- wer acce tant wavelet fl dy and it' fl l my b wn teady- f the Net. Thinking i aid " _fl ating/dr u c wning_ Jennifer, luti luti f participant aid " _fl wer acce tant wavelet fl f the Net. Thinking i aid " _fl ding luti wn teady- f number,_ wning_ Jennifer, rie - c ur w r a _ f the Net. Thinking i turned the matrix n , mi ive dy mem rld, le fl ding n , mi ive ding, di ence nnecti d-fl n i fair w ding ur w ugh the river m mmunalitie kin. Fir ..." Liquid air, radi nnecti dy mem ding, my h mmunalitie kin. Fir ..." Liquid air, radi m light, e very w ice fl ding, that inert event, that . In thi alan- t fl n, a i mmunalitie kin. Fir ..." Liquid air, radi d-fl m light, e very w ver y ur century. A w n, a i mmunalitie kin. Fir ..." Liquid air, radi re and c aking, t "in ca might make it. Seagull i ding river tream fl f fl rld' fl aking, t "in ca might make it. Seagull i n, a , fl n thing red really b killed. MUD. a fl ur century. A w n, a , fl f breeding falc ding. If fla d, meared with it i ding. If fla ur century. A w rld' fl ur binding, my plit d d-fl n n d-fl u mean t ding. Wiped, fl ding and bl d n ding and bl ating, fl re and the matrix d-fl n - emi ; plit d u mean t l my b dy and it' , t re and the matrix d-fl re and m u ible cata ide. Y f the _ tran urvive any cata tr f h ugh the river m y ating, fl pe ter phe, wn thr l my b f the net. Thinking i fluid, c u c p d phe) depend tage. The train in n capture catching the cata hall prevent cata tr p d dy and it' , t f h ugh radiati u tr f cata e wh n capture catching the cata hall prevent cata tr phe at the t pe ter ut hall prevent cata cata cata hall prevent cata [ when n m m ti n ; chemical cata tr ti n fabric, m ut n fabric, m f cata e wh n capture catching the cata hall prevent cata tr m uldn't tran a a hcard went dead. 'Natural di m aning a a lati f cata e wh pe , the face lati f) fam llap ) carefully di ter after di a ite di ter f di ed by) the accumulati adca ure,_ vi re murder t Me l ut a await the c f writing, the lure the y f writing, the a pent fuel pending ter uldn't tran a a hcard went dead. 'Natural di m re murder ary. The mi a .vehicle a ter .finger.vehicle alt.di lu a in t flunked f encr dy and ung war di me|| it a ter ter, that there i me|| it n . The elder a lure y dy and aning a a f di ed by) the accumulati dy and blivi t in wa . The elder a lure y f the b a await the c ung int f mind, writing epitaphic writing between and writing t f mind, writing epitaphic writing between and writing ng ag dy and ng ag f writing The i becau in "the between writing a b t epitaph ay are b n b t in wa . The elder a lure y teric, deliri f c cati t in wa u I cann cati ll dy, the "the cann t epitaph ay are b dy cann nd treat === antenns http://www.asondheim.org/anten1.gif http://www.asondheim.org/anten2.gif http://www.asondheim.org/antensex.gif http://www.asondheim.org/antensex1.gif http://www.asondheim.org/antensex2.gif http://www.asondheim.org/antensex3.gif http://www.asondheim.org/antenburst.gif anten radiation configured plot for antenna/sex body absorption or emanation, Jennifer says absorption, Nikuko says emanation ___ Death & Memory of Cock Robin 'Who kill'd Cock Robin? I, said the Sparrow, With my bow and arrow, I kill'd Cock Robin. Who saw him die? I, said the Fly, With my little eye, I saw him die.' Who saw him fall? I, said the Rule, With hammer and with awl, I saw him fall. Who saw him flayed? I, said the Moon, As I danced and played, I saw him flayed. Who heard his screams? I, said the Mind, In my darkest dreams, I heard his screams. Who turned away? I, said the Sun, I was busy with the day, I turned away. Who mourned and cried? I, said the Lark, Someone else has died, I mourned and cried. Who has time to mourn? I, said the Worm, There's nothing left to harm, I have time to mourn. Who bears the grave? I, said the Auk, There's still a soul to save, I bear the grave. Who prays for years? I, said Cock Robin, For nameless are my fears, I'll pray for years. == The Image http://www.asondheim.org/normalcar.gif http://www.asondheim.org/bournen.png 847 5 144 138 148 99 4 78.500 76 84 209 5 129.600 84 148 333 10 107.800 72 148 516 100 113.640 72 148 553 9 101.111 72 146 731 46 76.348 72 88 847 5 144 138 148 885 4 147 146 148 893 7 145.143 142 148 906 8 144.750 136 148 915 9 144.667 142 148 919 10 145.600 142 148 929 7 144.857 142 148 933 5 146 144 148 956 15 144.533 138 148 967 7 145.143 142 148 970 7 144.857 140 148 973 8 146.250 142 148 1012 5 147.200 144 148 1034 16 144.750 138 148 1075 15 74.933 72 84 1079 21 76 72 86 1095 18 77.667 72 88 1113 4 77.500 72 84 === The Complete Tribune Primer Eugene Field, 1901 Selections (probably written 1881-83): THE MOTHERLESS INFANT The Man has a Baby. The Baby is Three weeks Old. Its Mamma Died two Years ago. Poor little Baby! Do you not Feel Sorry for It? THE MUD The Mud is in the Street. The Lady has on a pair of Red Stockings. She is Trying to Cross the Street. Let us all give Three cheers for the Mud. THE GUN This is a gun. Is the Gun loaded? Really, I do not know. Let us Find out. Put the Gun on the table, and you, Susie, blow down one barrel, while you, Charlie, blow down the other. Bang! Yes, it was loaded. Run quick, Jennie, and pick up Susie's head and Charlie's lower Jaw before the Nasty Blood gets over the New carpet. THE COAL-HOD Oh, how nice and Black the Coal-Hod is! Run, children, Run quick and put your Little Fat hands in it. Mercy me, your Hands are as Black as the Coal-Hod now! Hark! Mamma is Coming. She will spank you when she Finds your Hands so Dirty. Better go and Rub the Black Dirt off on the Wall Paper before she Comes. THE NAUGHTY RAT The Rat is Gnawing at the Baby's Ear. The Baby is in the cradle, and is so Little it cannot Help itself. Oh, how Piteously it is Crying! The Rat does not care a Cent, and keeps Eating away at the Baby's Ear. When it gets this Ear eaten off it will Crawl over the Baby's neck and eat the other Ear. Where is the Baby's Mamma? She is Down in the Back Yard Talking over the fence to the neighbors about her New Dress. You must Tell your Mamma never to Leave you Alone in the Cradle, or a Rat may Eat off your Poor little Ears. SLEEPY KITTY The Cat is Asleep on the Rug. Step on her Tail and See if she will Wake up. Oh, no; She will not wake. She is a heavy Sleeper. Perhaps if you Were to saw her Tail off with the Carving knife you might Attract hr attention. Suppose you try. THE AWFUL BUGABOO Oh, what a Bad Mamma to Leave Little Esther allAlone in the Dark Room. No wonder Es- ther is Crying. She is afraid a Big Bugaboo will come down the Chimney and Eat her up. Bugaboos like to Eat little Children. Did you ever see a Buga- boo with its Big Fire Eyes and Cold Teeth all over Blood? The next Time Mamma leaves you Alone in a Dark room, perhaps One will Come to Eat you. THE DEEP WELL The Well is very Dark and Deep. There is Nice Cool Water in the Well. If you Lean way Over the Side, maybe you will Fall in the Well and down in the Dear Water. We will Give you some Candy if you will Try. There is a Sweet Little Birdie in the bottom of the Well. Your Mamma would be Surprised to find you in the Well, would she not? THE WASP See the Wasp. He has pretty yellow Stripes around his Body, and a Darning Needle in his Tail. If you Will Pat the Wasp upon the Tail, we will Give You a Nice Picture Book. THE HIRED GIRL This is an Hired girl. She has Something in her Hand. It is a Can, and there is Coal Oil inside. The Hired Girl is going to Light a Fire in the Kitchen Stove. She has been Disappointed in Love, and Desires to Die. She will Put some of the Pil in the Stove, and Light it with a Match. In about half a Minute she will be Twanging a Gold Harp among the Elect in Heaven. THE POET Who is this Creature with Long Hair and a Wild Eye? He is a poet. He writes Poems on Spring and Women's Eyes and Strange, unreal Things of that Kind. He is always Wishing he was Dead, but he wouldn't Let anybody Kill him if he could Get away. A mighty good Sausage Stuffer was Spoiled when the Man became a Poet. He would Look well Standing under a Descending Pile Driver. THE SEWING MACHINE Here is a Sewing Machine. It was Made for little Children to Play with. Put your Feet on the Treadle and Make the Wheels go round Fast. See how the Thread unwinds and the Needle bobs up and down! This is Lots of Fun. Do not Deny baby the privilege of Putting his Fat little Finger under the Needle. It will Make pretty holes in the Finger and give Baby something to occupy his At- tention for a Long time. AN EPITAPH Here lies the body of Mary Ann, Who rests in the bosom of Abraham. It's all very nice for Mary Ann, But it's mighty tough on Abraham. === as if this were a performance CATALYST >> which it is not. it is a cyclone of performance, you have it all, there are no images, no sound coming through, no interactive, no audience. nothing but the typing as if there were, as if i were somewhere else. look, for example, out of that window, there is nothing, but perhaps would be, at anothertime. inside my mind i woke up this morning, terrified, of starvation, this drives me, thinking about Sam Harri's book on religion and rationality and terror as well, it is brilliant, but perhaps not as brilliant as that man walkin on the roof of the church or was it a factory, visible from the back window here where we live, then figured perhaps if i kill myself azure will survive, better, then how selfish that would be, she would inherit what i have, but then i wouldn't be around in my moody neurotic self which is stressed to encompass death, i think, at every moment, or am hypochondriac, perhaps that is spelled wrong, i am reason a novel by the partner of my daughter and it is brilliant, but what can i do in the world nothing, i will aNSWER that, of no audience here, money is everything, we would use momney against them and keep just enough for ourselves, welived on azure's students loans last semester, just that, and soe small extras but small, i think perhaps thirteen thousand altogether, we have to pay back, the cost of this place, my life, is less than a cannon or a car, less than a vacatoin or a spa, more than a country or a village, but we have our ecological footprint reduced as much as possible, it is recyling all the way except for equipment which strangles me, yesterday found a book for two dollars in german on the current state of scientific research into elctricity at that point which was 1781, there it was waiting for me, now there is money all around me, if i could only take it i'd heal myself heal the world, another book, a dictionary from 1848 french into english and english into french, many words i have not known in either language, i am working through the archives of the world i will reach the end i will die at that point and all the archives will die with me and wittgenstein azure will continue and my relatives will continue and my friends there are some friends who are already no longer continuing i should consider muyself lucky the radio is on there are no problems to encounter in new jersey heavy traffic on the westside highway those people have cars and other vehicles, they couldn't be there if they didn't so i read parts of orwell's down and out in london and paris and got stuck on the image of the jew just there just like there, a storm is heading our ay, reading zipe's translation of grimm's fairy tales, did you read the one about the jew in the thornbush, i remember that somewhere along the line when i was a kid when i wa a kid a read a book about a cocker spaniel the nuremburg war trials volumes 1 and 2 the mediacal trials the fairytale about the jew in the thornbush a magazine i got from the american foresty association the greek and roman plays in trnaslation i liked antigone who i proncounced, well i pronounced her name anti-gone, as if, just wait, i'll be around after you, i'm gone "but also' anti-gone, yes, yes, yes i take dismal pleasure in that a piece of my work i don't know which, aybe just a word like codework will surivive a century from now (now they're talking about the oscars so that i'll drag the memory of culture family famly ciulture beind me, in won'd be around to know or see but i have my dreams, of course yes yes yes i have my dreams, theywill go on until the money goes out or i go out or the oney and i go out, not that we 'go out' together, there's no one to go out, just realized, as if this were a performance, no images! video! real sound! to hold on to, the demons come out to play in my brnai, there they are, there's no other eal, these demons and the radio and the man on the roof and a fairly silent sunday morning in the iddle of the city snow coming it's gonig to be an oscar party day someone said i was raw in my job betging i have no other gifts to give and not even that what is an encounter between teaching and being taught and both are taught and are teaching we don't know how to listen, hoave you evder heard that, thank you time for questions wait i'll get the lights on, or someone will i don't know where to find the swithc === ...because the generating image was cold and charming... ...because filters piled on filters... ...because a null point was reached of no return... ...because of... ...because of something emerging at the far end of the tunnel... ...because of a form of processing or herding processes... ...because of the new-born image arising from the old... ...because of defraying the costs and placental hope... ... http://www.asondheim.org/furry.jpg ... __ Some mooted english words I don't know - from Nouveau Dictionnaire de Poche, Francais-Anglais et Anglais-Francais Th. Nugent, Paris, 1848 Pickthank, flagoneur Cryal, heron Wherret, donnet un soufflet a Cynegeticks, l'art de la chasse Twiggen, fait de petites branches Hiation, baillement Dace, vandoise Hogoo, haut-gout Depectible, tenace Waleknot, noeud rond Avery, grenier Colter, coutre de charrue Huckelbone, hanche Cuish, cuissart Gove, entasser Outvillain, etre plus mechant Spunging, ecornifierie Petto, poitrine Huer, celui qui fait des huees Bidale, invitation a boire Brabble, querelle Abaft, de l'arriere Devexity, courbure Jazel, pierre precieuse Foh, fi! Gibcat, vieux chat Zedoary, zedoaire Wallwort, parietaire Hox, couper le charret Wamble, soulever Stive, etuver Uberous, abondant Xerophthalmy, xerophthalmie Xystus, xyste Phrenitis, fureur Mooted, deraciner == Exemplary Protrusion of Mars Ocean Dust Covering of Caked Planar Ice Rendered into Seamount Gridwork through Spectography Web    Images     Groups    News     Froogle    LocalNew!     more »   Advanced Search  Preferences  Language ToolsAdvertising Programs - About Google ©2005 Google - Searching 8,058,044,651 web pages http://www.asondheim.org/marsocean.gif http://www.asondheim.org/marsocean2.gif http://www.asondheim.org/marsocean3.gif http://www.asondheim.org/marsocean5.gif === uh buoy quiets free-dark matter girl-hands enquiring jacked jetstream catamountic limbed martian's awe and pancaked rust-duted killed, really cynical-ity; you've ouided exits' jungenstijl's seize. desiccation http://www.asondheim.org/ter.tif http://www.asondheim.org/terrr.gif http://www.asondheim.org/trrrr.gif http://www.asondheim.org/exemplum.jpg mars-life forecast discussion exemplum <===> basin let it go at that === swan swan because of the uneasy lap or basin, saccharine colors absorbing the position of the young girl or boy about to be fucked but the uneasiness of mathematical images tuned towards discomfort when settling into a landscape of slope or miasma i might have created an interior and more comfortable space of toruses and cylinders nonetheless this keeps one scrambling in a world of oral fixation, imagine the open mouths, rivulets of drools, soaked creases of perfect surfaces these are hulls, dark matter and its mystery float among them or the fragment of a dream of the mother of a star not yet born or bone http://www.asondheim.org/swan1.jpg http://www.asondheim.org/swan2.jpg http://www.asondheim.org/swan3.jpg http://www.asondheim.org/swan4.jpg -- Additional Words from French to English 1848 Dictionnaire already described and of the z of the first part Z, the 25th letter of the French alphabet Zacynthe, a sort of wild succory Zagaie, sf. zagaye, long Moorish dart Zagu ou Sagou, the sago-tree Zaim, Turkish horseman Zain, a horse all of one dark colour, without spot or mark Zani, buffoon, zany Zebre, zebra, wild ass Zelateur, trice, zealot, a stickler Zele, zeal Zele, zealous Zelote, a jealous man Zelotopie, extreme jealousy Zelotypie, zeal carried to far Zenith, zenith Zenonique, belonging or conformable to the doctrine of Zeno Zenonisme, the doctrine of Zeno Zephyr, zephyr Zero, nought Zest, fiddlestick! pshaw! pish! Entre le zist et le zest, tolerably; so so; neither good nor bad Zeste, thin piece of orange peel; thick skin quartering the kernel of a walnut Zetetique, zetetic, proceeding by inquiry Zibeline, zibellina, sable Zigzag, zig zag, crankles Zinc, zinc Zinzolin, reddish violet colour Zist, see Zest Zizanie, dissension, discord, tare Ziziphe, jujube-tree Zodiacal, belonging to the zodiac Zodiaque, zodiac Zoilc, snarling critic Zone, zone Zoographe, one who describes or writes on animals Zoographie, zoography, description of animals Zoolatrie, worship of animals Zoolithe, petrified animal substance Zoologie, treatise on animals Zoophore, zoophorus Zoophorique, zoophorie Zoophyte, vegetables or substances which partake of the nature of animal and vegetable life Zootomie, dissection of beasts Zopissa, zopissa, the pitch and tar which is scraped from old ships Zoroche, a sort of metallic silver Zoucet, plungeon, a sea bird Zymosimetre, zymosimeter, an instrument to measure the degree of heat in liquors == debris, no joke, no text in this news tonight everything out of control, 5000 hate groups online, i'd imagine far more in the usa. all religions are cruel, all religions structure hatred, at least all religions of the book, of the good book, the manual for killing, it doesn't matter what it is, why else would humans go after one another, not only other humans, animals as well, anything that can be slaughtered, read the truths of the inquisition, they're the same truths now, why always men of the cloth, why always old men burying their hatred, it almost seems friendly, the fury of the primates, we're talented, can hold a stick friends, it is time to be fightened, to be very frightened, do not become like one of them, the texts below are endless, endless, we are in the last days, some of us will survive, but at what cost, everything that was beautiful is desperate, everything that is ugly is bought and sold interview from Saudi television of a 3 year old Muslim girl who was been taught to hate Jews. All Words Any Word. APOLOGETICS. Christian Apologetics. ... 10k true Historians have classified six explanations as to why people hate the Jews: Economic -- We hate Jews because they possess too much wealth and true Hate Jews? Antisemitism. Adolf Hitler. Holocaust. Nazi. Bible Study. Discover the amazing truth of the Gospel. Eternal life. Christian living. Hate Jews? 12k true Why do Christians hate Jews, blacks, and Catholics? First off, why are Christians racists? Why do you hate Jews, blacks, and Catholics? ... Man may make his clamor, but God will be the Judge! Is there any record of Christian hate of Jews in the first century during the lives of the Apostles? ... Why does the muslims hate the jews for? Author, Message. jjf1990, RE:Hate Jews And Chinks Re.: RE:Hate Jews And Chinks Is this all about religion? ... list. Christians who hate the Jews. By Melanie Phillips. First published in the Spectator, February 16 2002. It If you want to add your own comments, please fill in our feedback form. Do We Hate Jews and Christians? Khaled Batarfi Some of my Jewish readers have doubts. ... March 27, 2004. Do I Hate Jews ? Well, I just got the following email from some guy: Well, this guy is very mistaken. I do not hate jews. ... French Hate Jews Report; Posted on: 2004-03-07 21:47:07 [ Printer friendly ]. by Jeff Hook Despite breaking box-office If you lived in the Middle East, you might easily believe that America is waging a worldwide war against Islam, and that Americans must hate Muslims. ... hate Muslims..User comments on article: [The American Muslim Council:] Mainstream Muslims? Why Christians hate Muslims..... Christians Hate Muslims- User comments on article Reply to...why Christians Hate Muslims... User comment on article ... terthread=y 101k true She was all p!ssed about the Americans and how much the Americans hate Muslims, and they have no business being there and should go away and leave them alone. ... q. Why Hindus hate Muslims ? The same primitive logic seems to be working behind the attempt to create a campaign of hate towards Muslims. Why Do You Hate Muslims So Much. ... Reply to Thread: Why Do You Hate Muslims So Much. I dont hate Islam, its not just a religion, its a 101k true Why Do You Hate Muslims So Much. Reply to Thread: Why Do You Hate Muslims So Much. I dont hate Islam, its not just a religion, its a way of life. ... Ask.asp 21k true Why do they hate us? Muslims ask: Why do they hate us? America is a democracy, he concluded, so Americans must hate Muslims to endorse this war. ... Why do Muslims Hate Muslims? true Why do Muslims Hate Muslims? dunno Im not Muslim but you can tell us why you hate Muslims. ConservativethatplaysHALO! Member Joined: Thu Sep 16th, 2004. hate muslims 0.235184 1 at What Is Behind The Hate Christians Campaign? By Thomas D. Segel December 22, 2004. Christ and faith have ... (14) takes out his flame throwerI HATE Christians!!! GARRR!!! 92% | 9. Thats right. I hate christians!!! Re: I HATE Christians!!! GARRR!!! ... true They Hate Christians, Too, By Michael Freund FrontPageMagazine.com | August 29, 2002. The fact that Americas Arab allies often express ... Politics; Miscellaneous (Politics). > ~Myths about Democrats; They hate Christians. ... About They hate Christians. They hate Christians. Invite a friend to rate ... Click Here. [Ad]. What Is Behind The Hate Christians Campaign? December 21, 2004. by Thomas D. Segel Christ and the Faith have ... true religion, christianity, articles. Liberals Hate Christians. By Mark K. Lewis. religion, articles, christianity, Recently I was having ... Post, August 28, 2002. THEY HATE CHRISTIANS, TOO. by Michael Freund. The fact that Americas Arab allies often express ... Why do Liberals hate christians? I dont understand why most Liberals hate christians. Republichick Member Joined: Sat Aug 28th, 2004. 15k true Your stupid statements give people a reason to hate Christians. You said it is statements like that which give people reasons to hate Christians. Why is that? hate christians 0.377557 1 === because they have been climbing you know in the swirling, the results of the code, perhaps you meant this, but they were particulate matter going nowhere and indecipherable but i think even more than that 'i think more' but they were swollen and swoling, swole. they were always in motion and half determined and half trying to leave the place and have not caring about leaving the place http://www.asondheim.org/swol.mov and for the movement of the cradle rocking and never dying or never the cessation of movement or the moving = she's taking a snooze she's watching the sky she's thinking about pancakes she's thinking about shaboom the doctor got her measure she took it back again she's jonesing and dancing shaboom shaboom her life is her life she's taking a snooze la la la la la wait til she gets up la la la la la http://www.asondheim.org/troth.jpg = rarely does an informal moment embrace the numinous azure and i had corresponded for months and finally she was arriving i photographed the plane coming in around five in the morning neither of us had any sleep and this was our first close meeting she came and is still here after six years i knew when i was photographing the plane i was taking it awkwardly i also embraced the moment and its eternal memory a tourist destination or sight among personal histories the plane taxiing to the gate nothing was open in the airport and i had been there for hours it was an early saturday morning of sometime i remember having to teach the same day among disinterested students everyone had their personal tales back to the photograph the creation of a minor history that is what i call personal it will die with me it will be only the picture of a plane the plane at a particular angle to the gate and only the plane someone on the plane was coming to meet me and others on the plane the others were coming to meet others perhaps not as propitious or perhaps equally so or perhaps in the dwelling of mourning http://www.asondheim.org/punctum.gif i had misplaced the image and found it on a forlorn isolated floppy it would play from the camera through the floppy into the computer it would be revived the newborn image greeting the light of day or of night or of dusk or dawn or liminal when the image was taken when the image perhaps took me with it and then lost itself or i had misplaced it as i already said here is the plane again here is the plane again and again and again it is the picture of someone on the plane and the plane it is the plane of someone the someone-plane coming forward the someone-plane coming forward to the gate where i am at the gate waiting to make history a personal history or a minor history waiting or just to greet someone and awkward with the camera in my hand hardly seeing neither seeing or seeing hardly any minor history, any punctum, any someone waiting, any someone and any plane taxiing and any plane arriving and arriving and arriving and again and arriving and again -- order clash order crash http://www.asondheim.org/bingham.jpg _ Pain Sifted Platt Townend found me too neurotic. Vito Acconci found me a pest. The head of Nexus found I was too fast-moving and lazy. Leon Pinstein found me an undeserving underdog. Johnny Uhl found me a coward. Bob Jungles found me a thief and a user. The LAICA Journal committee found me too old. Tamara Bowers found me creepy and hateful. Allison Ritch found me too selfish and uncaring. Robert Horvitz found me arrogant and self-serving. Jim Andrews found me uncaring, boastful, and self-serving. Ishaq found me racist and Arab-hating. Beorge Bowering found me unreadable and forgettable. Paul Geremiah found me selfish and uncaring. Margaret Curtis found me embarrassing. Paul the trumpeter found I rehearsed too much. My mother found I was too angry. The Connecticut Arts Council found me too established. Bernadette Mayer found me social-climbing. Brian Kilpatrick found me weird and creepy. Lexie Don found me a bad writer and worse artist. Nancy Golden found me evil and horrible. Mr. Pugh found me too noisy and wild. Kasper Konig found me too old. My first and only psychiatrist found me too undisciplined. Alice Birster found me too sexually creepy. Leone Wilson found me too unmusical and out of tune. Aaron Weiss found me too dirty. My brother found me selfish and self-serving. John Young found me betraying and deceitful. Robert Horvitz found me creepy about women. Nelly the curator found me sleazy and unspeakable. The camp head found me suicidal. John Hurt found me interfering and noisy. Vito Acconci found me not an artist. A waitress in Maine found me too much worshipping the devil. The head of Hallwalls found me arrogant and overblown. Kathy Acker found me crazy. Aram Saroyan found me a dilettante. The head of the Brown music department found me too loud. Elizabeth Cannon found me awful. The Boston video audience found me a liar and a cheat. My sister found I wasn't an artist. Ray Brown found me too left-wing and uncompromising. Mike Reed found me fascist and deceitful. Mark McElhatten found I did too much. Margaret Curtis found me too old. The UNM Albuquerque photo department found me out of my mind. Carol Damian found me unacceptable. My father found me a failure and parasitic. Malgosia Askanas found me an impossible nuisance. Alison Rossiter found my relations with women creepy. Krister Hennix found me too psychoanalytically occupied. Catherine Hennix found me too non-psychoanalytically occupied. The head of the FIU union found me too hopeless. The Penguin Encyclopedia of Jazz found my 3rd record mediocre. Edward Honig found I was trying to kill him. Tony Conrad found my work a joke. Steve Fagin found me rude. The Dean of Brown University found me annoying. )) it got older and bolder it blew apart and remained blue she showed me her shoulder neutrinos and neutrons tracked her back follow the girl to the mountain follow her back to the rock take her and she'll break you for your life is on the block and your body's in the stock and you're winding down your clock there was an evident was it moscow was it greek too many spikes differently it mapped into human unconscious it is unheeded warning unreadable sign unleash the power of wilson cloud-chamber magnetic isotropic lines of power magnified in the literature of the rock of the fury of the shock of creation of the unconscious which attempts understanding undermining delimiting and lining the literature of the rock broken in the fury of the shock http://www.asondheim.org/remake.mov == holes in space-time fabric of new york city images from http://worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/ http://www.asondheim.org/hol1.png http://www.asondheim.org/hol2.png http://www.asondheim.org/hol3.png incandescent closeups past the fabric of the virtual earth into the fabric of the virtual earth "a parable for our time" hello, hello == crawl http://www.asondheim.org/crawl.mov death and the dying writing in her REMAKE blood what the censors were looking for adult fare something for special unit crime stoppers REMAKE crawling in her own blood maybe someone else's only the detective knows for sure +++ vlf radio connected to minidisk in the middle of brooklyn, what would one expect but the power grid hardly a crackle to be heard someone turned a television on or off minute and a half of 60 cycle plus harmonics turnabout is fair play turnaround is too, not to mention chorus or filters more interesting later from the country in the meantime what's happened here driving the machinery spiced up for everyone's amusement at least mine http://www.asondheim.org/vflw.mp3 __ A narrow, damp _alley._ Sur vey, to _view._ All the _assistance_ found, his _assistants_ sent him. He claims to be the _diviser_ of the machine. Which is larger, the _divisor_ or quotient? This _difference_ being settled, he will pay due _deference_ to your opinion. The _ingenious_ mechanic was also an _ingenuous_ man. Not a _lineament_ could be recognized by his friends. Apply to the wound a healing _liniment._ The _principal_ to the agreement was devoid of moral _principle._ Though a great _liar,_ he could play upon the _lyre._ A _naughty__ youth. The lawyer had a _knotty_ case. The _plaintiff_ assumed a _plaintive_ air. Do not disturb the tame _rabbit._ The carpenter will _rabbet_ the boards. Filled with _choler,_ he seized the youth by his _collar._ The priest filled the _censer._ He is a _censor_ of the press. The ship took _divers_ persons as _divers_ for pearls. The _air_ is quite cold. He is _heir_ to the property. Give _alms._ He has lost his _arms._ He cut tree with an _ax._ His _acts_ are _base._ He has a _bass_ voice. They _burst_ the box which held the _bust._ The poor _dyer_ was in _dire_ distress. After a _dose_ he fell into a _doze._ In the falling _dome_ he saw his _doom._ - from Eclectic Spelling Book, 1865 ====