- Some Dialog on the Way Towards Self-Hatred, Construct of an Ego -You're afraid of men. -I'm afraid of getting too close to men. They seem to want something from me, do you know. -They want something from you. -They want to take me over completely, you know. -Why are you telling me this. -I can trust you. You're not like them. You're not like those other men. -I know. -Do they make you shy or something. -Do they. I don't know. I mean, I'm shy. I know what I want. I want to decide if I, you know, want to get married. Like I get offers. -You get offers. -I get, well, an offer, you know. When I want to. I get nervous, what they want. Not shy, you know, nervous. What they want from me. -What do they want. -You know, they want me, you know. Not like you. -You're shy of men. -What I have to say, you know. Like who I am. I need something, you know. Like when I want to be alone. They want to take me over. -Take you over how. -Want, you know, things. I'll decide when I want to. -You are hiding behind something. -Just don't like crowds. Too many people. When I'm back here, you know, by myself. I can do what I want to. -I don't expect you to go out anymore. -You don't. You want to go out with me. -No just that you're hurting yourself I think. Alone. -I get things done when I'm alone, you know. When I'm out I get nothing done. I learn nothing. -Hurting yourself, I think. -Better than I was. You should have seen me then. Better than I was. -Are you afraid of being unhappy -I like this, you know. Nothing around me that matters this way. You know, it's the same thing. What has happened and will happen, you know. -Too many years like this. -You know you don't see me. You're a good friend, you know. Not like them. They seem to want something. -They seem to want something -Yes, they want something, you know. You don't. ________________________________________________________________________ Fucking Is fucking information? Certainly, there are sensory modalities involved - scent, touch, sight, sound, taste, all of which play into neural net- working; there are also the usual bodily somatic responses. But I wonder if it is possible to map these, vis-a-vis teledildonics, and I suspect there is a limit to information, not only in terms of bandwidth, but also in terms of temporal "windowing," i.e. mapping the internal body pathways and their delay-patterns in relation to input and output. I would think that fucking would map _only_ onto fucking, and nothing more. This fasci- nates me, one way or another, because of the horizon of cybersexuality which is brought up in so many discussions, as if intimacy will eventually come the way of the virtual, be brought into the (literal, catastrophic) fold. The discussion is related to Penrose et. al. who consider consciousness and other higher-order functioning of the mind to be inherently quantum oriented. One might think no farther, however, than a multiply-layered manifold with waves spreading and interacting across the surface. The discussion isn't trivial. Fucking is one of the most intimate phy- sical acts humans are capable of. The Net is tending towards increased bandwidth for aural and visual modalities; to the extent, for example, that hearing occurs through registration in the ears (low frequencies also register elsewhere within the body), it should be possible to eventually program binaural input with a high degree of versimilitude. Sight, of course, is another matter, and even binaural recordings fail to take into account variegated rates of transmission through different areas of the skull, brain, and flesh. Suppose, however, that complete aural-visual bandwidth is achieved, that body-suits are perfected, that molecular synthesis includes the possi- bility of taste and odor, that these may be triggered "accordingly." I would still question whether fucking is information, whether there is an excess, quantum or otherwise, based on wavefronts throughout the body (i.e. information carried by neurons and other sensors). There is also a question here as to the nature of information itself, which has been debated forever. Here, I mean primarily is fucking quan- tifiable, that is, able to be placed within a digital database in one or another form, and able to be transmitted in and out of the database. And there is also a question as to what constitutes fucking, since (let us consider only male/female for the moment) penetration by two other- wise bound and gagged bodies is entirely possible, and certainly that would take considerably less effort to simulate (it already does). Never mind the bullocks. _______________________________________________________________________ - The Loneliest Text The loneliest text in the world announces itself, expects and garners no response, like so many others. It stands in for itself, for all those others of which there is no account, which have been lost in the archives or worst, abandoned entirely, invisible, violated without a murmur or other sub-text, other presence. The loneliest text in the world expects nothing in return; read or unread, nothing makes a differance, it leaves no trace, not even defuge announcing its already tired presence. The loneliest text in the world was lovingly brought into existence, each word caressed upon the birth of each word, only to be abandoned, control x, only to silently end up, packets, splattered nowhere across the wires, garnering no response, or in return, no other alter, no other presence. The loneliest text carries its history, messages of beauty and import, messages of travesty and desperation, tragedy and dissolution; it lies fallow, outside of all time and space, losing itself in the memory of the writer who entered letter after letter, thinking each word, speech in return, weaving such a feeble presence. The loneliest text is this text, lost in a world of noise and confusion, time and space filtered through dim membranes, cells coagulating around othered, emptied cells, forgetting for a moment, for eternity, for all time, forever and ever, the slightest vestige of its presence. __________________________________________________________________________ - Differences Sometimes the simplest ideas take the longest time to seep in; sometimes additional information is necessary. Years ago, I was interested in difference equations - fascinated by them in fact; more recently, I've been interested in the phenomenology of iteration, i.e. where one has f(x) => (x1); f(x1) => f(x2) and in fact f(x(n)) => f(x(n+1)). Clearly each of this is a production depending on the series, and f itself can be considered a generating function. So this leads to a conception of mathe- matics, from a phenomenological viewpoint, as time-dependent, i.e. one establishes a series of discrete temporal intervals, t1, t2, t3, etc. and at each turn of the "clock" the generating function is activated. Note that _nothing_ occurs between such intervals, i.e. t2 - t1 is empty. What I failed to notice, blindsighted that I am, and what is pointed out in Kocak, Differential and Difference Equations through Computer Experi- ments, is that the series f(x(n)), f(x(n+1)), etc. is constituted as a series of "equal" intervals as well, a series of differences. The trails left in some programs then are trails of equal steps, and out of them chaotic behavior is constructed. For example I've been interested in the difference equations x1' = x1 - cos(x2) * b, x2' = x2 + sin(x1) * b. The results, plotting them in two dimensions, are stunning. In any case, thinking of the trails as atemporal tracings constituted by equal differences results in the notion of a transcendent structure, back to a form of Kantianism I'd suppose, as opposed to considering them as patterns of growth, etc. It all depends on the viewpoint. What emerges also from the book is - given that it's written in 1988 - little comment on chaos or fractal theory, even though examples of the gingerbread and henon equations are given. I was surprised to notice that a ball bouncing on a periodically vibrating table is subject to strange attractors. Anyway to summarize this sad tale: I'd always assumed iteration was temp- orally based and constructed, for no reason at all. It didn't "occur" to me that the construction-presentation was a result of computer calcula- tion, i.e. needing f(x(n)) to produce f(x(n+1)), but that beyond this, there is no reason to assume that anything is present other than a fixed structure of differences. This relates of course to the cardinal/ordinal phenomenology in the philosophy of mathematics. Enough! Computers have led me astray! _________________________________________________________________________ - Dissolving One reads William J. Mitchell's City of Bits, Space, Place, and the Infobahn, against Anne Fausto-Sterling's Gender, Race, and Nation, The Comparative Anatomy of "Hottentot" Women in Europe, 1815-1817, and against Carol Groneman's Nymphomania: The Historical Construction of Female Sexua- lity, both in Jennifer Terry's and Jacqueline's Urla's Deviant Bodies; and against that of the fourteenth century The Voiage and Travayle of Sir John Maundeville, Knight. All of these present dissolute discursivities: the inability to classify Sarah Barton on sliding scales of constructed races and humans; the problematic of nymphomania in the 19th century, and the fantastic/uncanny reports on races, women, men, through travel narratives in close-to-medieval Europe, Africa, Asia.* The City of Bits relates the difficulty of the interpenetration of city and cybersphere through a ser- ies of binary oppositions that turn out, themselves, to be false, and dissolute in a somewhat similar manner. Instead, the model, as elsewhere, is that of local territorializations, temporary circumscriptions, coagu- lations, membranes. These hold, I believe, within the other domains as well. What of it? Concepts and categories are becoming more fluid; categoricity itself may fall by the wayside. This is no light matter; the metaphysics of Stefan Korner become an issue of concepts. The question moves from the concept to the nature of circumscription. At one point, I defined inscription in terms of such qualities as maintenance, embodiment, linkage, representa- tion structure, legitimation structure, impulse, and field of abjection. Now I put forth the questions again: What is the nature of inscription and circumscription in cyberspace? What is required in terms of maintenance? Is there anything other than temporary identities, softwares, communities, applications? These categories themselves are mixed, and mixed in among themselves. For one effect of City of Bits is a sense of exhaustion, and this not just the result of something new coming along which will be assimilated in the future (for one thing, the noise in a contemporary urban center creates higher levels of stress and anomie, even among those born within it). The exhaustion arrives with the constant necessity for reterritorialization, for the inhabitation of situations which are always already destabilized. Some of the pairs in City of Bits are: Work / Net-Work, Department Stores / Electronic Shopping Malls, Trading Floors / Electronic Trading Systems, Banking Chambers / ATMs, Schoolhouses / Virtual Campuses, Bookstores / Bitstores, Brains / Artificial Intelligence, Muscles / Actuators, Nervous System / Body Net, Contiguous / Connected, Narrowband / Broadband, Syn- chronous / Asynchronous, Banishment / Sysop Blacklist, Territory / Topo- logy, Jurisdictions / Logical Limits, Enclosure / Encryption, and Face-to- Face / Interface. Almost all the latter terms reference delocalized space and time, continuously upgraded software, electronic investment, variety of sites/applications, and increasing computational power. So the _third_ question arises, now, and in the future: In the next millennium, how will one cope with this global destructuring? Don't forget it will be accom- panied by increased gaps between haves and have-nots, and so forth; the resulting global stresses, if nothing else, will be tremendous. -------------------------------------------| Surely these discursivities are the result of partial information, the emergence of new information and communications technologies, the projection of desire into the uncanny - all characteristics, in fact, of Internet communities, and the City of Bits. __________________________________________________________________________ - States of Affairs In relation to Heidegger, can one talk about technology as referencing _the course of things_ (as opposed to an analogy based on cyborg/prosthe- sis)? The viral aspect of technology, its interpenetration, its doubling within the real, parallels the simultaneous growth of organic viruses, the planet heading towards the double cusp of plague and pure virtuality. As the organic sloughs, decomposes, transforms into the intermittent, so vir- tuality coheres, composes and constructs, transforms into the redundant. Nonetheless this occurs beneath the sign of plasma, lest one forget - that the planet is in a potential well of momentary relative stability and not- hing more... (I would not place technology within Being or beings; I would place it within the construct of the _things themselves._ That is, construct is always already technology. I would not place technology within the pros- thetic, nor would I insist on a nature/culture dichotomy - not only wouldn't I know where to draw the line, but the inscription itself onto- logically wavers.) See Heidegger's Identity and Difference: "Let us at long last stop conceiving technology as something purely tech- nical, that is, in terms of man and his machines. Let us listen to the claim placed in our age not only upon man, but also upon all beings, na- ture and history, with regard to their Being. "What claim do we have in mind? Our whole human existence everywhere sees itself challenged - now playfully and now urgently, now breathlessly and now ponderously - to devote itself to the planning and calculating of everything. What speaks in this challenge? Does it stem merely from man's spontaneous whim? Or are we here already concerned with beings themselves, in such a way that they make a claim on us with respect to their aptness to be planned and calculated? Is it that Being itself is faced with the challenge of letting beings appear within the horizon of what is calcula- ble? Indeed. And not only this. To the same degree that Being is challen- ged, man too, is challenged, that is, forced to secure all beings that are his concern as the substance for his planning and calculating; and to carry this manipulation on past all bounds." (Trans. Stambaugh.) (But Being is not challenged, neither one nor the other is challenged, or rather, the Other is always challenged. And I would question whether tech- nology is in fact manipulation, rather, again, than a state of affairs, that is, always an interpenetrating circumscription, construct, process of emergence. In this sense to talk of the prosthetics or uses of technology is precisely to talk of beings; to talk of technology is to talk of Being. And is the challenge that of a Being who is challenged, i.e. handicapped or thwarted precisely to the extent that it is not Being but emergence it- self? Which hopefully is not to argue for say a Whiteheadian process meta- physics, but instead to deconstruct metaphysics and categoricity in favor of emergence, or to comprehend phenomena as emergent, information all the way down - although information which may carry scars, wounds, virality, death and its simulacra.) __________________________________________________________________________ - My You, My Net, My Stockings My current issue of The New Yorker is a Women's Issue and it comes with an ad for ALLURE from Chanel, Impossible to Resist, and there is a page that folds out, there is a page that folds out, and in the crease of the page, in the corner of the crease, there are these words, ...stroke inner fold on pulse points, and I do on my shaved skin, on my shaved skin, and per- fume releases itself, perfume floods from it, and I am flowing with vir- tual you, I am coming with virtual you, and I touch my skin you are my skin and I touch my perfume and you are my perfume and I turn ever so slowly, turn ever so slowly, across the bed, turn faster now, almost but not quite as in dreaming as in sleeping, and the perfume leaves its stain on the sheets, perfume leaves its stain on the nipples, across the chest, and there is a crease in the bed and there is a bed that folds out and in the corner of the bed there are these words, and I can't read them, virtu- al you, and I can smell them, virtual you, t, u, v, virtual-u, x, y, z, your equations in six unknowns reduced to five, your smell on my eyes, my ears, my throat, perfume sheets, perfume calves and pages, perfume text, all I reach for in the morning alphabet, all that floods this, flooding _________________________________________________________________________ - SEAR: Spew, Erase, Assay, Release I want to write about the project I have been carrying on, the writing of a (continuous) text, called for lack of a better term, the Internet Text, and available at the URL that accompanies my signature almost everywhere I go/write. I have been wondering whether this meditation, more or less continuous, produces any effects in cyberspace other than to assuage my own ego, whether it's not, in fact, a signifier of my own virtuality, my disappearance behind a certain foreclosure of writing. Certainly as some- one said to me recently, it forms a punctuation in the midst of posts on both Cybermind and FOP-L, but the punctuation is intermittent and hardly creates discussion, nor, do I think, does it direct or intervene discus- sion. Instead, it continues on its own, building on what, for the reader, must be a fictitious past; no one reads _all_ the posts (and probably few will read this one as well). Yet without this past, without the return engen- dered, the text would have to begin all over again with each new instance, much as if a 19th century serial novel proceeded by creating one first chapter after another. The risk, for those who don't go to the Internet Text as a whole (and I assume no one does for that matter), is that text is out of con-text, creating either a sense of obscurity or dullness; what is the point, for example, of correcting something now at time _y_ that I may have written at time _x_, if no one else has noticed? What sort of totality am I pla- cing the texts within, if I alone am aware of this? And such a totality clearly takes on the character of _psychosis._ The strategy to avoid this is to assume an uncanny or imaginary audience, one which engages and critiques the text at each and every turn, one that in fact interpenetrates it. But such a fantasm itself requires a consider- able effort to maintain as a (circum)scription of the w/hole, an effort that's not without its own psychological cost. The result of this travail is that the text exists within a dreary suspen- sion. It's awkward, inoperable; it belongs nowhere. It's not publishable in its entirety (which would run over 1200 pages), nor piecemeal (since the parts are interrelated), even though a number of articles have been taken from it, by hands other than my own. It's also not publishable in an edited version; I've attempted to reduce it (with help) to a form more suitable for print, with no success. And even the form is continually ruptured, with dialog, script, programs, poetics, theory of all sorts, narratives as well - so that it becomes, not formless, but suspect of form, almost substance-like, a roiling of philosophical, literary, and psychological issues. Each of the individual sections, for that _matter,_ is dense in itself; the weight of the pro- duction appears to increase without bound. Again - it's not as if any conclusions have been reached. Certain terms and concepts have been developed - ascii unconscious, defuge, construct, emission, inscription, representation, etc., and these have been reapplied into and within the descriptive apparatus. While this constitutes theory it hardly constitutes an orderly progression; it's both a new and/or dif- ferent mode of theorizing, and an absurdity, a work gone out of hand, in fact a form of _spew._ I characterize _spew_ as an emission of the inchoate, a dribbling of coa- gulations (related to ego-constructs, etc.), abject ecriture of the body, incoherent maintenance of inscriptions. Spew is also desire thwarted, failure of the prosthetic body, detumescence; it is nomadic, not in the sense of situationism, but in that of concrete poverty, of conclusion, of capital even to continue. It is blocked, dammed, gathered; it roils as turbulence, as the equations I occasionally describe also roil. Spew is hardly _there_ for the subject, the reader, as well. As individu- al texts, it becomes a displaced pebble-architecture, weir-grating. With- in the contexts of the texts' appearances on "their" email lists, they are objects for deletion, not catalysts for meditation, debate, reply. They're too rounded for that, too emptied of entrance, simultaneously dammed and damned. So the writing is void-writing, as in the sense of writing void on a check, avoidable writing, writing into the void; likewise it is abyss- writing, abysmal writing. I would that were it delirious, it would then bring forth an _act_ of reading, that, if it were the symptom of psycho- tic production, it would nonetheless bypass the same in favor of the other. But none of this seems to be the case, and perhaps the texts need tendenz towards retirement, towards a closure beyond the Net 1-14, beyond as well the alphabetic texts, already a through t, midway through u. The ritual of self-publication, placing the files one after the other on the URL, proves unsatisfactory as well; what is the point of this act carried out every two or three weeks, without end, for over two years to date? Spew knows no boundaries; there are none from within, and everything turns cancerous, stillborn. Everything is dead. Thus a time appears when in fact I have less to say, when already a cer- tain lid appears in the sky, heavy with viscous fluid, coating, flooding, the landscape with the transparency of glycerine. My mouth and lungs are coated with molasses; I choke on unimaginable sweetness, engorging text and texts, section and sections, paragraph and paragraphs, down to the poor shapes of the letters themselves. There's no dawn in my world - if I've learned anything, it's that. And with this broken communication - broken among the texts, broken as spew, broken with audience, broken with publication, broken with form, broken with continuity and content - with this vomit, disgorging, I can hardly call it a day. ii Normally, I would have stopped here. But I think to myself: And what if this _is_ an end, the spew drying, coagulating as I have said that it would? The entire text suddenly becomes irrelevant, as if it were rele- vant in the first place; it gains a date and a time, gains a location and a system, an entire taxonomy, of attributes: it's _there,_ as if something had been said, after all, but something that is now ended, completed, and finally, furtively, discarded. So it must continue onward, push itself once more into the light, the latter sections bringing the earlier into the self-same bandwidth, even plateau, of misplaced temporality. But then, I continue to myself, it can at the least be slowed in its pace, the vis- cosity increased, not in order to rethink or reinvent sections, but in order to devote my time to other projects of writing and thinking. Doesn't this become absurd, pretentious, a creation of a whole _economy_ of thin- king, as if the time I have at my disposal is not only limited but meas- ured? Still, since it seems both necessary to disinvest, release, and at the same time, tether the work to the present; since it's part of my own psychosis to continue speech yet not in speech's absence; since I insist on a certain defeat of order paramount on the construct of my or- dure - since all of this together and separate, since thought is already in the process of dissolving the image of the body, I continue through transparency, posting on occasion of posting, something on the order of _touching reminders,_ engagements now and then, as if I were to be mar- ried on the _morrow._ (It's all "as if," "still," "yet," "nonetheless," it's all me me me. Yet there's _no face to it,_ as if there ever were. A text in subjunctive form.) _________________________________________________________________________