//!-- UTF8&frtxt2prev=touch a fusionne perfection, a froisse l'oublie abondant lumineux, amour terrible doux, l'amour qui asservit et devore, nourrit et complete le niveau, l'amour qui ne sait aucune reponse, grandis aucun mensonge &frtxt0=la manière que je me sens au sujet de u, il est comme si innombrable, implacable, sapristi, baise, mauvaises herbes, pleines du soleil, poussent, partout, alors que je conduis autour, sombre et radieux, sans ressource désespérément, essayant de les tuer, de les contenir avant que je sois eux, ne faisant rien mais, chuchotant votre nom, car je brille et ris, et les mauvaises herbes sapristi, se développe et se développe &entxt0=the way i feel about u,it's as if innumerable,relentless, goddamn, fucking, weeds, full of sun,are sprouting,everywhere,while i drive around,morose and jubilant,helplessly hopelessly,trying to kill them,contain them before i am them,doing nothing but, whispering your name,as i shine and laugh,and the goddamn weeds,grow and grow&onLeaving=on leaving you today,if the wings were to shear off,and this plane plunge to certain death,i would regret only one thing,that i did not tell you,i love you,simply that, even as these words,urgent and insistent,resonated unspoken in my skull,eyes shut bodies entwined,interpenetrated within youmcatalyst, nourisher, companion symettry,,a line drawn between identity and unity,erased, a line connecting lips and thoughts,a line without meaning&enextraStuff=the immediate has no answer,and gets no service,itching forward thru iota plasm,