Tasty Gougère
tion with a variety of medications, including cyclosporine,
fibrates, macrolide antibiotics, certain antifungal drugs, and
niacin (19–21). Some of the drug to drug interactions
involve specific interactions with the cytochrome P-450
drug-metabolizing system, especially those involving the
3A4 isozyme (22,23). The combination of statins with a
fibrate is attractive for persons who have both high serum
cholesterol and high triglycerides or for those who continue
to have elevated triglycerides after reaching their LDLcholesterol target on statin therapy. However, there may be
a concern about an increased danger of developing myop-
568 Pasternak et al. JACC Vol. 40, No. 3, 2002
ACC/AHA/NHLBI Clinical Advisory on Statins August 7, 2002:567–72
LDL cholesterol counter (1 risk factor)