Tsunami I am writing you in the midst of the onslaught of logouts, cancellations, packet-debris spewing haphazardly across the screen, storms of commands untended; I am writing you against all odds, quickly, before the knock on the door, before the final silencing. This is a message whose purpose is a slice breaking ground and protocol, holding the self-same door apart/in departure from itself, from the frame. It is the door bolted from the frame. It is never a moment of truth, but a moment of the implementation of power: leverage. The screen closes like a low horizon, close to the ground; ordered lightning constructs the text, clears. It is a forgotten ground: nothing. A farewell always obsequious. But I am writing you in the hope of the text, the hope of speech, breath forced into the play of symbols. But I am writing you in the midst of the onslaught of logouts, cancellations, the debris of the symbolic, every- thing you might make of this. __________________________________________________________________________ Poetria Nova, L'Indice: "Flames waken in response to the bellows; the crude metal is buried in fire; tongs transfer the heated mass directly from fire to forge; the mallet, as master, deals blow after blow, and with hard strokes chastises the metal; and so it does what he wishes; it draws forth a rounded hel- met, useful counsellor for the head; or it generates a sword, legitimate fellow for the side; or a cuirass makes its appearance, friend of the body; together with these are born a greave, for the leg to don as shield, and a spur to incite the horse, which the ankle adopts as its own; and other shapes of iron which the craftsman's skill fashions as armour. Objects so unlike in appearance, arms of such varied shape, exhaust the iron. The mallet curbs its blow; the forges regain their breath, their course accomplished; the work comes to rest at its goal, and completes the task prescribed." (Geoffrey of Vinsauf, Poetria Nova, trans. Nims) "The flames are thoughts, some flames, others otherwise, produced in this fashion as inscribing on stone, or in air; the bellows are those events of daily life; the crude metal is electrophoric energy generated from the mines of the earth; the forge is etiquette itself; the mallet, the fingers moving across the mobile keys of the board, doing what the mind commands; the rounded helmet, description and careful reply to one who has already spoken; the sword, a friend of desire or the greave; a spur, that which arcs across sea and land and peninsula, taking the short way, not the long way around; nor those shapes of armour, which are a knight's dream, at the lest that of the pleasant squier. Nor do the fingers preclude the exhibition of the mallet; the dark forges produce that which is born to be spoken and remembered; man and woman rest at the end of a day's goodly work; and the task has spoken itself, pro nomine, pro se, neither for one nor for the other." (Commentary, Geoffrey du Langage) "When you transpose a word whose literal meaning is proper to man, it affords greater pleasure, since it comes from what is your own. Such a metaphor serves you as mirror, for you see yourself in it and recognize your own sheep in another's field." (Geoffrey of Vinsauf, op. cit.) ________________________________________________________________________ One Who is Insane Espousing a Philosophy of Cyberspace Are Net-relations always contractual? They proceed from and return to, the Law. Determined by headings and protocols, confined to the appearance of normative communication and lag-times, what sorts of transformations occur in real life? Decompressions the other way around: From RL to Net, there is always an expansion, the granularity permitting the construct of an open field with memory. The post becomes a form of breathing. And compressions: From Net to RL, always this constriction creating acts of reading, re-reading, recognitions (which are cauterized), miscrecogni- tions (which may or may not appear as such). The opposite of Popperian falsification, truth falls precisely into the open field, dissolves; falsehood has no existence whatsoever. Thus everything on the Net is true, and this is a fundamental fact of the Net. What is meant by true? That there are protocol sentences which can be assigned the value T at time n, T at time n+x, x variable. That all sentences are such sentences, since all sentences are imminent and since all sentences have internalized referents at best (which are the ghosts in the machine, the uncanny-imaginary component of confined ontology). If everything on the Net is true, then there is no circumscription or delimitation. _Entities_ and classes do not exist, because inscription/ bracketing require classical two-valued (or fuzzy) logics, negation, difference, determining one thing from the rest: differance. I claim there is no deferring on the net, no deferral, no deferance. I claim further that there is no difference. If there were difference then the operation of neitherness would be possible: neither a nor a, lending itself to organism. The Net is the residue of organism, not organism itself. The protocol suite itself is otherwise, but that is also elsewhere, primordial in relation to the objects of our desire. And within the protocol suite as well there is only truth; what is annihilated no longer has ever existed. This must be understood to be the case, which is singular: The World is all that is the Case. (1: The Thing itself. Kristeva, _Black Sun._) And what about the contract? Obviously the result of Capital, Das and otherwise as well, the contract is _what One makes of it,_ that one becoming two, but elsewhere. _________________________________________________________________________ Not Rural but Distant not Distant but Rural For the first time in a year, I'm away from New York for an extended period of time. In New York, I sit at the computer and write text after text, nervously reading all the while; incoming and outgoing combine in an indecipherable melange as _scroll_ itself takes over. Here in the hinterlands there are no sirens outside, and the loudest sound currently is that of the keyboard itself; I provide energy in the form of whispers of encouragement to my little sentences, hoping each grows to become criminal in a world of safety. Graffiti cuts through the surface of things; the war isn't between the empty and the full wall, but between _cleansers_ and _text(ures)_ and we shouldn't forget it... Cleansers predominate everywhere; in NC home of Helms we might see the beginning of ignorant armageddon. But it is the silence and poor connec- tions, saving you, _dear reader,_ from reply after reply, that are unnerv- ing, yet the future of the Net isn't in New York, a rust heap of failure and insipid violence. I imagine terminals in country homes of unspeakable crimes. I imagine rifles pointed to and from the screens themselves, quiet organizations ridding themselves of outsiders, governments, returning to the standard of barter and purity. I see book-burning scams clogging the gateways of newsgroups, and in the cities like New York I see jealousies explode to Net-spamming of unbelievable proportions. Here, what is it; the message separates from the sender, and the sender from the receiver. Here, what is it, outgoing and incoming pass by on a divided highway (grass crotch) which closes down randomly, firing at drivers, crashing vehicles into endangered species. There in New York, I cock-and-cunt-suck- ing merge organs with mouths, mouths with mouths; shapes morph into one another and the Lacanian mirror is pasted tain to tain, a sliver of the world turned inside out without the presence of the Thing, only media- tions. More insipidities, Lacanian mirror pasted surface to surface, silver to silver sliver, infinite annihilating reflections of utter darkness, make way for the occasional virtual photon. Here mirrors are mall-mirrors reflecting clouds but every time I look I'm completely naked, what do you think of that. (In Kingston, Pennsylvania, neighbor of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Scran- ton, Pennsylvania, my little corner of the galaxy, I am stuffed with coal dust, teeth invisible. It was there I learned to speak which was writing the secret word. The word came back to me, fucked me. I couldn't tell who had spoken, couldn't tell the language from the speaking of it. Such quiet that burst my body, pieces still floating down the Susquehanna.) ___________________________________________________________________________ Singing Humo kupliaku natho humo tokiyo /now the eagle is made now it will destroy us all/ "These songs were the property of certain mean and were the means by which they put forth their psychic power for the healing of the sick. Persons of serious mind might join in the songs when a sick person was being treated. By this means they added their quota of power to that of the doctor. For this service they were rewarded by a share of the feast. Thus there were many persons in the tribe who knew the songs that were sung by the medicine men but they would not sing these songs except when led by the medicine men. If the singers or spectators were disrespectful or inattentive they were stricken with the diesase for which the patient was being treated." (Densmore, Papago Music, 1929) Wanitho ci makai coi niathanur vavazaza /I will become like a medicine man my feathers are growing longer/ my words lala are like songs lalal they belong to me you hear my words lala like my songs lalal they belong my words lala are my own are not Papago lalal in a book lala they belong to you lalal in a book in my words lala are my words lalal they belong when you sing lala them you are sick when you sing them you are sick lalal my mail comes into my heart my mail is blood of my breast my mail goes out of my heart my mail is milk of my breast lala lalal lala lalal ________________________________________________________________________ What's Needed Now: Inverted Panopticon Kobe is Net-death, believe in it; the entire highway collapses because of nothing beneath, there are no structures to save structures. Zero*N=0 in arithmetic; redundency depends on infra- or sub-structures sure taken for granted. Give us something aerial to work with, common universal interface, give us a tendency towards discontinuity and we can do the rest. Make it inexpensive, a planet-pulse entering the machinery, breathing along with us through the fires and ashes. Only then can dismantled buildings be dismantled; only then can the particulation of communication and community, those disembodiments, permit city-collapse without loss of life. Give us universal gateway, call it the portal. Run it through satellite, low-frequency too risky, something up in the giga- hertz cutting through the vertical. At minimum quadrant the earth. Make units available for text, slow video or some super .mpeg compression that doesn't run too much bandwidth. Have entrances into the unit, voice-con- trol with a command dictionary, who knows who will use the stuff. You can speak in Japanese, produce identical; there are built-in languages through modular removable units. Choose what you want. Have other entrances, command-key stuff like Unix, terse for those who slide across the field, necessary in any emergency. Hit ^V, control-voice, and you're back in the other mode; say "star K key" and you're down there running the board. Pack the whole with lithium at the least, lcd with backlight only if necessary, no hard-drive but flash-card solid-state. You might stop all movement, type without the feel of it, designated-areas across intelligent interpreters. Internal antenna. Carbon-fiber casing, inside a removable/attachable soft-shell. Withstand a fall of eight feet on con- crete. Can talk as well; say "star T talk" and activate the speaker. Ear- phone jack at the least, bandwidth up to 6k. Intelligent screen of 40 characters across, 80 if necessary, legible for emergency. Runs off standard AA batteries as well, simple recharger. Built-in communications of course minimum 14.4, everything standard for the satellite. Can down- load everywhere, save souls. be your friend. Can tell your fortune, tell your future. Can be your future, be your lover, save your life. ________________________________________________________________________ More from On the Road My luck the car broke down the other day and I pushed it through heavy traffic to the side of the road. Sore shoulders. I am so very male. It's hard to take cyberspace with you, and yes, it does appear as an image or lens just over the mountains of North Carolina. I check in on another account, write quickly, sign off quickly; it's slow-motion all the way, and I can't upload like I'd want to, nothing gets through to panix.com that way and out into the wilds of the Net, poor modem. So I write hurridly on-line, bringing my thinking to miserably bear on whatever happens to be ongoing as well through the thinking I usually do during the day. And thereby hiding out and missing things as well, the lens however hovering. What's needed is a base like the postoffice used to be and never was, that is there at the ready supposedly like the mouth, speech is. Can come in any time, out of the cold, the same protocol like those Mac programs at tenth the cost, no little mouse to balance on the knee in the back of some godforsaken bus. _Scroll_ always remains burning into me and why is netsex more of a negotiation than real life? Netsex is always talking bodies into position, all that positioning, back we go to the contract again. It's corporate at its best which can be good indeed, but with all the implied problems of grammatologies. The future has to get used to thin bodies; my daughter spoke of anorexic encouragement in one of her dance classes. Thin bodies collapse the signifier upon them; things stop meaning when the material world takes over, but a thin body slips among the interstices. It takes real life to slow the stuff down, put the weight back on. In Brooklyn, there doesn't seem time for real-life. The loft is input/ output, information central. Everything becomes signifier; like high- speed reading which I do these days on panix.com, the flux is ridden, a pre-cursor of the shape-rider. Did Socrates for that matter ride the shapes of the artisen? Athens was almost rural. He must have been a nuisance. When the planet settles down into coherent electromagnetic terabytes swarming overhead, you'll be able to see the lens pulse. With those units, things will slow down to your own speed. You'll have that electro- luminescent display to guide you through the fog. Finally don't for an instant believe that net.sex is the same, equivalent as real-life. We need monitors for this, resplendent couplings to come forth and describe the differences. The complexities of the interstice can be underwhelming. You have to rush the scroll, keep it moving, get it on the run. What moves, does so quickly, remains still. Not zen, but nomad. Nomad is a sane island. Alan, Donne ________________________________________________________________________ Vacating of the Symbolic Spatial visualization for the platonic solids at the least is highly underdeveloped, as anyone trying to construct the division of spaces by planar extension soon realizes. The four sides of a tetrahedron extended produce a division of 15, as far as I can tell, since points extend as cones, lines as wedges, surfaces as flat wedges, and then there's the interior. But as I mentioned, the octahedron is possibly more complex since the sides fold in upon themselves; the dodecahedron and icosahedron are worse still. A perfect sphere at the limit divides space into an infinite set which fills space perfectly; I don't know how nonstandard numbers fit into the picture, however. (That is, taking the set of tangent planes and their intersections.) 4-space is worse; it's easiest to begin by analogy, and sometimes easiest to begin by picturing the sphere. After a while, analogy can be shape- ridden, so that the precise configurations no longer matter; what results is a form of internal twisting of the mind attempting to come to grips with the whole. The limitations of the _thinking_ are clearly evident here; accustomed to rather simple complexes in three-dimensions, anything else is illusory, a question of learning what is inconceivable. I imagine later neural interfacing will take care of any remaining problems, and eventually, VR will sail away into uncharted domains. Meanwhile, it's clear from all the exercises that in fact Hadamard was correct, and that mathematical thinking need not follow the symbolic; the internal twisting described above need not be of the order of sheaves or torsion at all, but a meandering within a preconscious that does not devolve into signifieds of any sort. Later, such signifieds are recupera- ted for the purposes of communication and proof-checking (and couldn't this be fully automated, no matter how long the text?), but the opera- tions themselves are more flux than anything. Text itself slides into this flux, as poetry indicates; languaging no longer means according to dicationary-definition, and the supplement of poetry remains elsewhere (neither A nor B). For that matter, text is never linear, except for the formalism itself; it is compression/decompression and it is always the illusory of the body. Hence I speak of phantoms, and now you get my drift, the drift across this text and parcellation of three-dimensional space. The illusory is the result of the interstice, of the deconstructive swerve, and it is the result of repetition, lag, arrangement, the body arched in relation to the keyboard. The illusory is only illusory in relation to physical tests of the existence of the other; there is always room to move and vacate the symbolic. This is the issue here, the vacating of the symbolic, as the body is thrust into inordinate postures. I identify these with net.sex, with n-dimensionality, n>3, with the parcellation of 3-space better witnessed from the vantage-point of 4, and from text itself. I relegate the vacating to the site of tacit knowledge, as Polyani stressed, or the unutterable writing, erasing, underwriting of the body that occurs in any culture. Certainly then the specific communicative matrix or specific mathematico-sexual problem plays a role. But greater than any role is that very arching of the body, our desires which center in on alt.sex. bondage to the degree that bondage strains the body into one or another position, the position of the _hieroglyph,_ the beginning of writing therefore, the constraint of the symbolic, the beginning of culture - culture which thereby spends the rest of our time in the maintenance of the symbolic, symbolic-maintenance, within and without those uncanny parcellations I still cannot imagine, for the life of me. _________________________________________________________________________ Who I am and What I am and Thinking as Labor for You and for Me Thinking Slaughters Me When I was focusing on the problem of the octahedron (again, extending the sides indefinitely, i.e. planes, so that the embedding 3-space was divided), I kept trying to picture a certain configuration (which I still can't), realizing there was a _trick_ involved which still eludes me. I was not able to sleep as a result; the stress was enormous, worse than anything physical. The shapes etched themselves into my mind, almost my retina, almost a scar; the eyes were seared internally, and I felt blinded by my ignorance, literally. Neck and back began to ache, and the mind tenses, ready to spring, at nothing. In the morning, I'll lie awake, eyes closed. Just the slightest opening brings, not only the every-day into focus, but an expenditure of energy that again appears at the level of the shoulders, although my mind senses tiredness as well. I will push myself to the end of a text, ranging from a James Elroy novel to a section of _Contracting Colonialism,_ shuddering violently as the pages come to a close, unable to recognize my surrounds. I will write texts until sickness sets in; working the computer during a crisis, I have developed a fever and malevolent nausea. I have developed malevolent crises. I am consumed by malevolence, cancer in this area. My fingers will begin to counteract their commands, revolt in premonition of a suicidal attempt to figure out the last aphorism in a text that appears absolutely necessary to properly suture the day. I will bite my lips until they bleed, working out a 3-space problem of intersecting planes. I bring wounded tools, paltry and ill-used, to the simplest number series, which continues to glare at me, devour what can only be called the remnants of mind. At 51, I figure I have twenty years left at best to complete my work; every day wasted is irretrievable, another death, and every indication of mental exhaustion simply points out the enormous amount of _labor_ involved in the most febrile thinking or visual processing. Understand that thought is labor, that it is difficult labor, no matter how privileged it appears to be from the outset/outside. I have paid, and continue to pay, the price. I will die with a thought on my mind. _______________________________________________________________________ Levitation If I rise above my body, I imagine it drawn by the outlines and inter- stices of the hadwritten text formed against my eyelids; thus I travel upon the Net from one goal to another. Looking downward, I see myself supine, there is a narrow mattress against the wall in an off-white room, and I am perfectly dressed in jeans, dark long-sleeve shirt: there I am! With care I can move slightly above or below, always remaining fixed on the image, which can never escape; it is as if I am here to guarantee the lack of escape, the positioning of the body for all time, the body which I claim, the body which is mine alone. I would huddle there against the ceiling, fixed as I said, somehow unable to escape the dimly-lit room, which I most certainly desire to; after all, the body feeds on foreign images. I would bring back, devoured for its pleasure, everything in the world, cathedrals and mountains alike from the smallest guppy to the largest whale. But on the other hand which is my only hand, I am remaindered there, as I said, just below the ceiling, off- white, dark, unable to find my way to the nearest window or door. And how could I, without a key or the means of opening this or any other latch? Sometimes in this position, I will a dream of other worlds and visions, but this is inconsequential, something I would do normally from the posi- tion of sleep. There seems to be no reason to elaborate. My body is remarkably acquiescent; it remains more or less still, and I have no fear of its waking. Pinned there, it could not escape on its own; there is hardly a split (_Spaltung_) of the ego that would accommodate it. Nothing speaks to nothing, although the unconscious is not only not structured like a language, but hardly a knot, or a not-knot at best. And where would this reside, except in the interstices of the hovering, some- thing to consider at all counts? (Hovering is always already shape-riding, the vortex, as in The Forbidden Planet, that which eludes the most, the body-without-name, but present as inchoate/chthonic. Hovering is what may be seen through the dream of texts, and it is my/I firm belief that secondary narcissism is primary narcissism, a virtual tunneling through the symbolic, as if the symbolic exists. Perhaps this detour is in fact the construct of the symbolic; no matter that I have located such a foundation. The shape is _there-here,_ an emanation from spew to emission. Heidegger's got the shape.) __________________________________________________________________________ They Nothing Much "The without is neutral ground, it is the _within_ of ourselves that we should like to be for others and that others encourage us to be for our- selves. This is the realm of the _commonplace._ For this excellent word has several meanings. It designates, of course, our most hackneyed thoughts, inasmuch as these thoughts have become the meeting place of the community. It is here that each of us finds himself as well as the others. The commoplace belongs to everybody and it belongs to me; it is the presence of everybody in me. In its very essence it is generality; in order to appropriate it, an act is necessary, an act through which I shed my particularity in order to adhere to the general, in order to be- come generality. Not at all _like_ everybody, but, to be exact, the _in- carnation_ of everybody. Through this eminently social type of adherence, I identity myself with _all_ the others in the indistinguishableness of the universal." Jean-Paul Sartre, preface to Nathalie Sarraute's Portrait of a Man Unknown. What of the "particularity" is shed? How is the particular defined in and against the general/communal? Maturana years ago talked about the mutual orienting of cognitive domains, which leaves the content alone, and there is always the concept of distorted/undistorted communication at work, Habermas and elsewhere. How is particularity/universality shared and operated upon/within on an email list? Community seems quickly to settle in, even on the most acad- emic; I can recognize _voice_ everywhere. But there is this _tendency_ towards...aphanisis, decathexis, releasement, this uncanny loss from which there is always a return (as in, without the narrative/intensity, of orgasm?): _I release myself to Cybermind, to Fiction-of-Philosophy_ - no wonder the sexual appears in these most obscure of places. And what sort of identification is possible with _all_ the others? Does this become more an issue of epistemology, tagging texts with proper names (which are capable of sliding hard past Kripke, downhill all the way)? What is surprising is how unsurprising real life is, how all of this is in fact real life. Holding Them, it is the grain of Their nails into my back, my skin cut just below the level of legibility where there is nothing to declare. Everybody in me is viscous, a sinking towards a materialization described by Flaubert in his St-Antoine, but unlike Flaubert, there's no sun, christian or otherwise, to hook the body alive, return it to the They, that moment of birth. No, the inanimate holds fast and tenuous, the maw of the animate as well. This indistinguishability as the light fades and darkness rules the world, this decathexis: our future remains less than a stain upon a planet already stained from too much oxygen, too little _air._ __________________________________________________________________________ My Story There are always populations in my theories, populations which take care of things. Now there are 'floaters,' out-of-body minds; I remember when there were ghosts, Tiffany and Honey, when Clara Hielo Internet ruled the texts. Travis constantly explored the farthest reaches of cyberspace, brought home by conceptual limitations; there was the tinkling of tiny bells, always warm airs and oceanic life. The populations become me, speak to me, dismember me; Clara Hielo talks behind dark eyes, illuminated wires, and Tiffany melds into me, flesh and body one. Primary and secondary narcissisms merge; recognitions devolve into part-objects. But I abjure narrative, for nothing tells a story. The populations coalesce, dissolve, create language and speech, grope hesitantly into all the interstices of the world. They refuse to non- exist, refuse the abyss, retaining instead the incessant protocol neces- sary for their survival. They regain the ground lost in each and every battle; they incessantly regain the ground. These populations proceed from disembodiment, or a-bodiment, not other- wise, no, not at all. They never had a body, never pretended to. They observe the discussion of body and embodiment everywhere, on every list and newsgroup, from Derrida to nomads (which isn't all that great a leap). If there were a solution - if there were a problem - the discus- sion wouldn't be continuous. But there is none of either; we observe the populations, and count ourselves among them, wondering how we arrived. Staring at ourselves, the nerve-net of our wombs appears to have caught something, the nerve-net of our members appears to have written on what has been caught. We write on ourselves with our wombs; we catch ourselves as members. Uncomfortable with these shifts into absence, how can we conceivably understand shakuhachi or ch'in musics, for example, since silence for us is dangerous erasure? These populations write through me, and they write the philosophy of the Net and the philosophy of cyberspace and cybermind, and further, they write the philosophy of the body and the philosophy of presence and ab- sence, and further, they continue to write and write, they continue to move my fingers upon a distant and long-vanished keyboard; they have moved my fingers from time prior to electronics and prior to the elec- trical, and they move, and continue to move. Ghost-traps, nothing catches them; we are the ghosts themselves within the traps. You see how it goes, how it meanders, how it continues to meander? That is the philosophy, incessant, they write and continue to write, and the philosophy I place down here and beside myself, upon and within the Net that they have thrown down gauntlet. ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________begin___________________________________ Epitaph Someday you shall remember me by these words. My little letters nuzzle one another like the very best of friends. I was the first to introduce them and I was the last. I have been removed from the wonderful sailor-cap of existence. Or there are a thousand years descending to a vast plateau. No records recall who has or has not observed from the edge. The horizon stretches from horizon to horizon. Clouds and stars and muffled group gropings of letters. Dust clings to the solitary Y half-submerged in the burrowing earth. I have returned in a state of absolute clarity. What are bones but the bones of other bones. There is nothing I have not been told. Shortly after, you shall no longer remember me. Shortly after that, the severance of letter upon letter. Their introductions know no bounds, bulky horizons. The wonderful sailor-cap of existence sits on my head. _________________________________end_____________________________________ __________________________________begin________________________________ Future Culture /rough draft/ ("Future culture," ethnocentrisms, multiculturalisms, regionalisms, im- plying _both_ cultural production vis-a-vis the arts, and lived culture "in general." So we say our art is our life, on occasion, something to that effect. Now, there is no difference; both are utterly transforming, the terms suspect. Keep that in mind. You're on a journey and there's no turning back.) A short while ago, there would have been no problem; Delphi and other predictive techniques, including computer extrapolations, presented a relatively coherent view of an emergent world. Now and for at least the next half-century, such extrapolations are locally relevant at best; no pictures, nothing is glimpsed beyond them. We are in the dark-age of fast-forward multiple (inter)-connectivities which construct equally multiple topographies and worlds. It is no longer clear that what lives on the level of representation, does not _live_ as well; artificial life is life of a form, decimated by pulling the plug. If artificial life is clearly the dynamics of information/processing, what removes us from this as construct: What remains obdurate in the world? Even embodiment becomes problematic; the body is a report from ourselves to ourselves, and an echoed message on the Internet sends the state of things back to the machine which sent it. What _appears_ to be the Net is a first step into the darkness of cyberspace, rather cyberspatiality, where William Gibson novels appear almost classical in their depictions of communications domains and their (ecological) niches. The confines of 3-space in/out up/down back/forth may break apart, returning only as orthogonal foundations always already out of sight. The act of _reading the screen_ thrusts the body's desire away from the body like a thing unhinged; desire travels, no longer a psychoanalytical category, but an _intelligent agent,_ away from the home terminal, per- haps to return immediately, perhaps to wander forever. New relationships become possible; net.sex is only the beginning of an efflorescence of intimacies which no longer necessarily reflect an "authentic" self. It is not so much that gender is switched, as that gender is construed in each and every case, the body falling/not falling far behind. (Not to mention other genders, nuances, other forms of power, multiple and new organs, vaginal mouths, probosci.) Traffic Report: As bandwidth increases and protocols become more flexi- ble, so do sensory modalities increase on the Net; virtual reality tech- nology will eventually become commonplace. But as the Net expands into the simulacrum of an organic membrane, it becomes increasingly vulnerable to hacking. Hint: Look for increased hacking in the next millennium, hacking as a way of life, the hacking culture, with its emphasis on anar- chic bricolage, becoming the seeds of a future renaissance. Suburban sprawl begins to characterize the spew and cacophony of informa- tion fleeing the center city everywhere in the world; within the sprawl, nothing lacks. The growth of CMC (computer-mediated-communication) in the less industrially-developed or poorer nations is indeed slow, and within them, nationalism on the Enlightenment model becomes increasingly difficult to maintain. Cut off, these will be more and more left to fend for themselves, Net sites like sparks in blackout electrical storms. One can expect continuous reinscription of territory as global extinctions and pollutions exhaust the land everywhere. In spite of occasional suc- cess with DNA banks, the world of 2020 will be one of limited species maintenance; only viral and bacterial disorders will continue to prolif- erate at an unprecedented level. (And what of other models of nationalism or territorialization? Everywhere, competition and weaponry work war, separate. Desertification and population are still out of check.) Information will exhaust itself daily in this model, without legitimated steering mechanisms; these, too, are up for grabs, sprawl, proliferate. The future model of _anything_ moves from mechanism through clock through membrane to coagulation. Consider mechanism and Newtonian/Euclidean phy- sics; clock and general/special relativities; membrane and string theory/ telecommunications; and coagulation, the clotting of local nanotopograph- ies, computer-assisted theoretics, the humanities continuing their re- treat, on occasion retrenching vis-a-vis totalization/coag/deconstruction. (Connectivity: Currently this is often through university or corporate accounts, work-stations used off-hours. The trend towards home computers will obviously continue, particularly as multi-media expands and prices drop. Future culture, however, tends towards portability, beyond laptops towards notebooks, subnotebooks, voice reception/transmission, and above all, towards the elimination of the modem in favor of cellular or other radiolinks. In this fashion: voice/radio, the terminal becomes an inten- sification of identity/communality processes, a tacit accompaniment or prosthesis to the body inhabiting "virtual subjectivity" or _cybermind._ Hint: The body moves from _being_ to _doing,_ an existential project. Hint: It's not used to this; it lurks, or talks and talks. Speaking, it abandons the productions of its speech. Listening, it flows with aban- donment. Hint: The internalized machine listening to its own and others' speech.) (The arts: People will continue to make things. People will continue to write about them. There will be fewer galleries. There will be more images and more museums. Nothing will die and nothing will change.) The arts will be a painting. As on the Net, the spectator shifts into the gear of a spectator; sure, there will be collectors and justifyingly dense prose as long as capital survives with its insistence on the hand- crafted and materiality. But vis-a-vis Bourdieu, CMC is already its own formulation, sparking transformations, sexualities, desires, economies, identities, objects, visions, disembodiments and life on another level altogether. What is occurring epistemologically leaves the traditional art-critical methodologies working upon the hardened body of representa- tion behind; when representation becomes dynamic flux - when process art no longer processes within an isolated bandwidth (i.e. Robert Barry) - criticality itself changes, hypertexts, absorbs. Hint: _Just as hacking is an art, art is hacking._ In art, identity burrows beneath representa- tion and commodity structures. It's sellable because unsellable, always software-in-hardware, always in media res, always in discourse. Just as "a short while ago, there would have been no problem," now there _is_ a problem, as new class structures emerge in North America and else- where, among those who embrace the new technologies and those who do not. The telephone, in spite of its relation to the dead and mourning, never promised the space of the Other and the Same; television's space is clearly indexical, no matter how much surround is added to it. (In fact, indexicality may be considered an attribute of late capitalist produc- tion, which has moved from the symbolic in terms of consumerism.) In vir- tual reality, however, as well as its intimations upon the Internet, one moves even beyond the ikonic to representation's absence (although built of course upon level upon level (protocol suites) of representation); it's for this reason that so much is made of "cyberspace" as if there were really another world present, instead of single or double computer output screens. Representation glides into the _uncanny,_ which both utilizes and problematizes the symbolic itself; it becomes deeply and permanently unclear _who_ is beyond/within/without the physical body clearly interacting with the monitor. (This _who_ comes up constantly in discussion on newgroup and email lists, usually in reference to issues of embodiment. It's not so much a matter of reaching a resolution, but of charting previously uncharted territory - as if one were finally able to concretely examine the psychology and phenomenology of ghosts. Something like that, but not quite.) The phenomenology of ghosts lacks granularity; details go blank as the abyss opens up between one and another character or pixel. The surface must always extend by gestural logics, the mind filling-in the details, a projectivity involving the releasement of desire. This is the dream- like quality of cyberspace, always melding, flexible, a relative of the arcana. Surface and depth become identical, but not surface. (O just like Narcissus.) And in the abyss, there is always the darkness beckoning from the screen. Noise and abjection are relegated to the content of text or image; the space is cleansed and stuttering. It stutters because of the others who are also on-line and speaking, chattering elsewhere; it stutters because of the vagaries of the network connections, because of the hops; it stut- ters because of the weather. But the stuttering closes down, lends itself to textual lag, not to the slow deterioration of analog communication which almost always gives the appearance of reconstitution; one can _try_ to hear someone else, after all, in the midst of a noisy party. Instead, the abyss is a metonymic representation of absolute annihilation, also given by the kill/delete commands used in Net applications. It is the abyss which opposes the excess of the textual, and the abyss which provides the substructure against/within which the textual appears. It is always tenuous, the crack in cyberspace spelling death of (dis)em- bodiment, a remainder or reminder. It is the abyss which is located with- in the appearance of real life as well - just as "real life" needs now a term of its own, not in contradistinction to a cultural arena such as the theatre, but in relation to _lived experience elsewhere,_ an elsewhere- inhabitation. (In cyberspace, nothing dies, everything moves from node to node, the flood floods. "In cyberspace, there is no there there.") In the future books will be very clean with illuminated letters. In the future, books will never have pages; they will have search engines prod- ducing the reader's history, or search engines producing hypertextual content. In the future, images will stop at a specified magnification of content to pixel; nothing but code exists beyond the object you carry with you, the being you make love to. In the future, you may use a search engine to search that being, or a search engine to reproduce hir history. In the future, you will learn the art of _concatenation,_ the placement of one thing against or adjacent to another think, and the art of _link- ing,_ connecting the two, beginning the web. You will hope that the web will grow, take on a life of its own. You will examine your body for your own web; your web will have links that you and others have constructed. In the future, you will think of this as a recognition, but it will never be clear that the coagulation-thinking is in fact "you" thinking, or thinking-thinking, and it makes no difference, philosophically, psycho- analytically, or other wise. In the future your body will be very clean with illuminated images. In the future, your body will never have organs; it will have search engines producing your history or lend itself elsewhere, in couplings bringing back dim memories of ancestries which are located elsewhere, in another web, but completely and entirely accessible. ("In the future, there is no when when." There are sheaves, topologies of temporality, internal and external time-consciousness. There are differ- entials, but there are no when, no now. There are certainly no then. Like space, time is a becoming-coagulation, a confluence as nation passes na- tion into collapse, or there is no nation, or no one talking. Begin with this no one, this zero-psychoanalysis. Emerging beings flutter around networks, embodied as programs or information, embodied as machines, embodied as organic carbon-based complexes. Emerging beings are always emerging and there are irrevocable passages among them. But the when-when is/was/will-be no longer, or at least differently. The differential is because of the absent class, those not jacked in, those close to starvation; those in the midst of wars and famine, those producing these equations in dirt-poor factories around the world. Infor- mation flows from the material substrate of exhaustion and pestilence through the chips themselves to the jacked-in; this is the political econ- omy of information, as deadly as any, with its information rich and poor. Overall, the cost of production decreases as physical downsizing contin- ues; no one requires an office-building or physical starship model when bits and bytes will do. Value relates to information-density and _manage- ment._ Value is the processing of that density and management. Unlike the traditional artist, working with clay and other relatively disorganized materials (in spite of the cost of oils, say), the artist who is the _shape-rider_ exists parasitically at the top of the heap: S/he has _access._ Access and the knowledge to use it determine already future culture, and this is literal jacking-in, the crack-war information drug pumping hard through hir veins. The future is one of addiction, language- games coming around full circle; if we're addicted to speech now, and who isn't, we will speak through each other, through ghosts speaking through us, through the thinking thinking that we will/are become. >> _In the future, there is no is._) __________________________________end_____________________________________ Telescopy Placing the cipher oooooo __ o o [ || ____/o o c || ___/ o o || __/ oooooo b ||__ __/ ____/ d / ___/ ooo __/ granting removal of the cipher o o __/ relative lack of closure ooo /a enlargement of the abyss (c,d) The cipher is unbearable; there is nothing to look at. That is most appar- ent in the diagram. The unit (a,b) folds and unfolds in the process of focusing. One may consider the pleats (on the order of course of Bruno Schulz) an intelligent agent for searching\circulation. ________________________________________________________ / The Whoosh: / / [ < whoooooooooooooooooooooooooshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh \ \ \________________________________________________________ It manages to sound in cybermind. I remember it as if the pleats were har- nassed by a wind modulating over the regular furrows. A sigh fills cyber- mind, a murmur in the cove of a cathedral under formation. Ahhh, and the lens closes forever. /\ / \ / \ [ <> ] \ / \ / \/ __________________________________________________________________________ Notebook Entry On September 23, 1998, several small atomic devices were discharged in the following cities: Dublin, New York, Oran, Beijing, Buenos Aires, Beirut, Jerusalem, Los Angeles. A radiation belt was visible for several nights thereafter, and ground levels rose world-wide by 212%. The death toll has never been determined; including the resulting cancers, it can be assumed in the neighborhood of 75-78 million. The pattern of explo- sives has never been accounted for. The world was going through a long- term crisis of denationalizing, which began with the breakup of the former USSR; it is speculated that the material necessary for the bombs came from Siberian sources. The Internet was heavily disrupted for several weeks; due to the redun- dency of its backbones (some of which had just been implemented), it functioned as an alternative communications system during the aftermath. An odd consequence of the disruptions was the immediate increased number of "hacks," or computer breakins/breakdowns, which died down only after several months. No demands accompanied the detonations, and no groups took responsibil- ity. Clearly, there was high-level organization behind the slaughter; the devices all went off within twenty minutes of each other, universal time. The coordination may have utilized the Net, but there were no functioning sites, for example, in Oran (a town described by Camus). Like a plague of flying saucers in a grade B film, the impact of the ex- plosions went far beyond loss of life. In fact, it was dearly hoped that the world would finally come together in a siblinghood of humanity, working as one for the pure and perfect peace that was so surely at hand. But it was also recalled that the breakup of the former Cold War environ- ment had also appeared to signify the increasing production of peace, and nothing of the sort occurred. Some of the post-generation-xers speculated that young men always need to set their goals high, and what could be higher than slaughter, in which a division is clearly made within the fabric of civilization: you are or are not dead, for example. They argued that life is defined by death of course, and more, that war and terrorism always create horizons of death, an exciting place to live in half-life, which is all we have been grant- ed. They saw terrorism as an edge which defined them, because it was an edge of action and activity, an edge even of artificial intelligent agents which could roam the interstices and courses of the Net itself, on the prowl for one another. They believed that the world was ruled by chaos in the form of size queens, young bucks measuring their penises in a contest which began at least four million years ago when upright men were visible shaken by the appearance of upright men and women. They philosophized that the pacific or peaceable kingdom or queendom had no boundaries whatsoever, nothing to test themselves against. Pounding their spears into the ground, they required the construction of writing to parade what they had learned, and durable materials for the leaving of records to their posterity. They demanded further implementation of the Net for the disemenation of their wildest dreams and desires, insis- ting that this specific form of aggression, which included chest displays and increased pounding, was gender-inherited, part and parcel of each and every male, no matter how peaceful they seemed, clothed in the benign forces of post-USSR civilization. Some women argued in return that nothing was gender-inherited, and that this particular gauntlet transcended considerations of sexuality. Thus in turn they argued that size queens belong to all, that it was not a matter of any sort of demographic preference, but that just to speak was already to do true warrior violence to one another; even silent signalling would determine the course of a battle in ancient times. Of course the majority of men and women were silent on these and other issues, concerned as they were with getting on with life or tending the walking wounded. Among themselves they said they simply did not feel safe any longer and would no longer feel safe as long as they lived. Later there were rumors that a new series of detonations would occur somewhat closer to the beginning of the third millennium, but there were also rumors that there would be no causal linking between the slaughter and the approach of the occidental new year's day. We continue to hear these rumors now, and are writing them to you, so that you may be aware that something new and awful may be about to occur. _________________________________________________________________________ Absolut 123456789*987654321=121932631112635269 "Therein is concretely shown the firm and indissoluble bonds of our Party with the people, the wisdom of its Leninist and collective directory, the all-conquering force of Marxist-Leninist doctrine on which is founded the activity of the Party. In all these years the Party held high the great banner of the deathless Lenin. Loyalty to Leninism is the source of all the successes of our Party." Khrushchov 1956 "Changes in the world will proceed in the direction well described by Marx, Engels, and Lenin in their theoretical works. We Communists have deep faith in the triumph of Marxist-Leninist teaching. I think that for the majority of mankind the great vital power of this teaching is now becoming clearer and clearer." Khrushchov 1958 "The basic principles of Dialectical Materialism - the doctrine on the material essence of the world, on matter and its existential forms, on the most general laws of the development of being, on the relationship of matter and consciousness - were able to be elaborated only on the solid basis of a knowledge of nature. The revolution in the domain of philosophy which was accomplished by Marx and Engels and which marked the origin of Dialectical Materialism, was the product of a masterful generalization of the development of science and socio-historical practice." Osnovy 1958 (Blakeley, Soviet Scholasticism, Reidel, 1961) "In dialectical materialism the following qualitatively distinct stages of reflection (_otrazenie_) are generally distinguished: At the level of _inorganic_ matter reflection appears in the form of physical and chemical effects of material objects on each other and their reactions." ... "On the _organic_ level of matter, which is characterized by the appearance of albuminous bodies, one finds reflection in its simplest form as _sensibility_ (_cuvstvitel'nost'_). In cells structured in this way reflection consists in the adaptation of the cells" ... "The simplest _biological_ form of reflection is _irritability_" ... "The next form of biological reflection is the _excitability_ (_vozbudimost'_) of higher animals." ... "At the level of the central nervous system reflection appears first in the form of _'unconditioned reflexes.'_" ... "In higher animals and men, reflection takes the form of _'conditioned reflex'_ (_uslovnye refleksy_)." ... "Sensations are the simplest form of _sensible_ reflection." ... [These include sensation, perception, representation, imagination.] ... "The highest form of reflection, _logical_ or _rational_ knowledge, is found only in man. It is based on the _'second signal system,'_ i.e., language." ... "Thus reflection always has two aspects: the passive reception of the properties of the reflected object and the active determination of the mode of reflection by the reflecting agent." ... "Where information is connected with reflection, the problem of the 'universality of information' involves the question as to whether reflection is a universal attribute of matter. And this question still remains unclear." ... "A further difficulty involves finding a place for cybernetic information processes, seen as 'concretizations' of reflection theory, within a systematic philosophy. As products of mental effort, cybernetic devices are not themselves objects of natural philosophy, i.e. the kind of considerations contained in the doctrine of reflection. Only some aspects of some processes in these devices correspond to a few processes in the realm of the living. The Marxist-Leninist philosophers themselves stress this fact. In the discussion of specific problems, however, processes in cybernetic systems are often included without further ado among the forms of reflection." (Kirschenmann, Information and Reflection, On some Problems of Cybernetics and how Contemporary Dialectical Materialism Copes with Them, Reidel/Humanities, 1970) "170 _Submission._ One must know when it is right to doubt, to affirm, to submit. Anyone who does otherwise does not understand the force of reason. Some men run counter to these three principles, either affirming that everything can be proved, because they know nothing about proof, or doubting everything, because they do not know when to submit, or always submitting, because they do not know when judgement is called for. Sceptic, mathematician, Christian; doubt, affirmation, submission." "761 Many minds are not sound." (Pascal, Pensees, trans. Krailsheimer) _________________________________________________________________________ My Paper "Absolut" "Absolut" refers both to vodka and the things we buy and sell when we are operating under the fact that we need money to do the things we buy. I love vodka and all forms of drink and thought it would be wonderful to see the land where Mr. Kruschev (sp.!!!) comes from where there was so much thinking about this and later the war which is just like our War Between the States to keep Chechenve (sp.!!!!) so that Russia can keep her church. And I thought that Mr. Pascal had the write idea as well because he says that submission is cool because there's always someone who knows more than you do, and who knows who that someone could be! So I thought that was cool and just perfect. And because I use computers (I play Doom and Myst is great too but you have to think too much) that old book on cybernetics really showed how the Russians could just see the whole world as information reflected in every piece of matter, just as when I smile my teeth light up the computer screen because it's black (I could never figure out windows!!!). I guess like Blake says the whole world is reflected in a piece of sand in front of a mirror (it's in his Flowers of Evil I think but I don't read French!!!!!!!), so the Russians found this out really late. And it was great to make a whole paper without even ONE word that I WROTE (underline! underline!!!) because they were all things someone else had said! So guess what I submitted to THEIR THOUGHTS! And they REFLECTED WHAT I WAS THINKING! And I hope they win their war to free Chechchenene (sp.!!!) because the Russians know what's best!!! (Well they do now because all the COMMUNISTS have left and stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!) - CHT _________________________________________________________________________ Cyberspace Energy Absorption Protocol It's desperation time and mouth opens time, drawing a thin chain of saliva across my throat, o could I still continue to speak, down between the nipples; I devour one, then the other of them, red wounds the size of silver dollars, my tongue playful now. Further down, penetrating the navel, searching out the interior of the blank refusal of motherhood. At the level of genital hair, my teeth become cowcatchers, my mouth a locomotive; I tender my cock to myself, torn from its moorings, swallow that to mix with the rest of the debris. Delightedly I find a fork after testicles and tonsils mix, left-right, right-left, I always knew it made no difference; lavishly and luxuriantly I move from one to the other, always these thin snail-trails working my way down, now on the outside of this tough meat. At the toes I begin, cauterizing left-right, right-left, beginning with the smallest, working my way inward; this is the metaphor I decided on, always groping towards the center. Both legs swallowed up to the knee, my body circulates around itself, half-inside half-outside, a double-layer of gristle and bone, my mouth unbearably distended as if your cunt filled me, reached the back of my throat, sutured membrane on to vocal cords. I am up to my waist in myself, hiding the wounds of organs cut off forever, and the thickening in the abdomen continues, becomes crowded in there. I slither in an inch per hour, drool and semen sliding the effort quickly and curiously. My arms create difficulties, but once inside I can touch myself again; masturbation makes the time fly, flooding the lower accesses of the external portions of my ankles and heels. Shuddering, I think, now I'm up to my neck in it, this self-swamp of bent bone and skin manifolding towards itself from each and every direction. Swallowing the lower chin, I begin until my eyes themselves fall through the mouth self-cannibalizing; I am approaching a singularity at a constant rate, sentient black-hole grinding to a halt at normal diameter zero, there isn't even an odor left to mingle with the rest of the land- locked world. "The quantity in the laws of black hole physics which plays the role mathematically analogous to the total energy, E, is the mass, M, of the black hole, which, in general relativity, physically _is_ the total energy of the black hole." (Wald, Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space- time and Black Hole Thermodynamics) ________________________________________________________________________ The Waiting Room, Keeping the Record Straight The time of the Apocalypse has not yet arrived because we have not sinned quite enough. The Rapture has not yet arrived because the trains run close to schedule. The Messiah has not yet arrived because the phone still works. True Communism has not yet arrived because some people still want things that other people have. Eternal Life will transform Humanity forever. The perfect State will be absolutely still without Growth or Decay. The perfect State will absorb all contradictions. The most beautiful Woman in the World will fuck the most beautiful Man and the second-most beautiful Woman. The second-most beautiful Man in the World will fuck the second-most beautiful Woman and the most-beautiful Man. The Lamb and the Lion will fuck each other because there will be no Age difference after they lie down. Everyone will fuck and cum forever and they will lie there and cum and cum. Everything about History will come to an End. History will recount only the History before the coming of the End. History will recount right up until the End itself and then History will have to come to a stop, but you might have someone recounting the History of the recounting which will come after the End. Simultaneously, People will always Smile. Their Smile will be genuine and meant for one another. But it will not be an exclusive Smile because everyone can participate. They will always Smile because they will always be Happy. The Nighness of the End will always be behind them. _________________________________________________________________________ The Comfort of my Very Beautiful Future Home I take great comfort in knowing about the animals in the Burgess Shale because they were very, very, lovely and they take up all the time in the world for millions of years so they lived and left themselves soft-bodied in the shale so you can see some of their organs, appendages, imagining the soft parts hungering after one another in waters with lightning in the sky, yellow clouds scudding by like I saw tonight over the New York blood- low-building skyline looking always in the wrong direction. These ancient creatures in the Burgess Shale are symmetrically beautiful or gently off to one side or another, sloping in a way, or hinged cleanly and clearly, some with spikes for protection, none of great size, a dreaminess to all of them. They communicated by chemicals and primitive vibrations of the medium to which they were accustomed, the water, and were silent for the most part, although occasionally there would be a slight vibration of a tail just enough to warn the near-by trilobites to roll into a ball. The hyolithid _Haplophrentis_ would cower with its operculum in the vicinity of _Opabinia_ with its five eyes and long flexible proboscis. Such would grapple perhaps with the priapulid _Ancalagon_ slightly larger but consid- erably less mobile. Of the chlorophyta, lonely _Margaretia_ waves its thin fronds in the slow current, and bush-like _Yuknessia_ remained possibly in deeper water. Early life was blind or almost blind, invisible to early life; the world groped towards its first vision of itself, and did eyes begin with _Anomalocaris,_ _Opabinia,_ or a pretty trilobite testing the appearance of the sun? _I would have been there, I would have helped you see, describing every creature to every other, my shadow glimmering in the shallow shoreline beyond which I dared not venture. Happily, I would have noticed _Pikaia_ swimming by, our lovely pre-vertebral ancestress, and happily, I would have joined communally with curvaceous _Odaraia_ with its enormous eyes peering blearily everywhere through plankton and microplank- ton alike. Do you not see, dear heart, that I belong here so submerged, mind filtered out into the membrane of the watery wilderness of long ago? What need have I for the present, when the past, so obdurate, so _pre- sent,_ remains connected to me forever? No longer shall I drown in soulful longing, nostalgia for hidden and fantastic worlds, when the other, warm and liquid, is always and already there, silent, _wet,_ engulfing... __________________________________________________________________________ Homely [echo $HOME] When you need to go home and are all alone Who are you to listen to? Life becomes unstuck and glue Won't cut it, take it to the bone. But echo $HOME, and all turns towards the thing That roots itself, and yet will give you wing. [cd ..] (To turn away, seedy; the dots that follow Withdraw your presence into something hollow.) But I'm tired and I want to return. Tired of reading and writing, tired of subbing and unsubbing, tired of administrating and tired of life, worn out, another birthday an hour away, and all I can think, where are we going. I think: It might be good to attack, subvert, take over other lists. I think: We need a fortified Web Site with carnivorous maverick links devouring all the others. I think: Check out the Computer Underground Digest *now* as the Net turns towards corporate power. Let's all write about things we don't believe in and send them out everywhere on the Net. Let's become unwanted holy angels bringing nothing but bad addresses to bad people. Let's get them. But I'm tired and want to go home. I echo myself (yawn, already trite), Narcissus in electric pond. I can't even see my fucking self; there's no Mosaic in ancient Greece, no Netscape. .jpeg downloading worked flat and out flat-out in Plato's terminal. So I'm tired and go cd like Paula said. I go seedy, jump from the window. Lame, I'll beg in subways. You'll hear me asking for net.money net.sex, you'll know I'm a whore. Let's get them. I'm out there with Clara Hielo Internet. I'm not alone. Alan ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phenomenological Sociology and Murmurs of Mourning in Cyberspace A phenomenological approach to cybermind involving mourning and death as a boundary crossing into another space of recognitions and investments can serve to background an analysis based on care and listening. I am brought to this through Schutz and Luckmann's The Structures of the Life- World, Volume II, in which boundary crossings and appresentation are considered. I will quote piecemeal from the relevant section of the work. "How boundaries are experienced and lived has been described in consider- able detail. Something has also been said concerning the possibilities of encounters and lived experiences, which open up when one turns away or distances oneself from everyday reality. But the boundary-crossings them- selves have not been studied sufficiently. Up to this point, little more has been said on this subject than that the barriers of space and time are crossed in memory and project; that in understanding and communication bridges are thrown across to the Other person's alienness, that the dissimilarity of realities outside everyday life is made more evident by the interpretation of the memories and indications that are brought back from there to the 'normal' wide-awake state; and that death is 'overcome,' if at all, by the interpretation of indications of indications. In the introduction to these reflections, it was, moreover, suggested that in ccrossing the limits of his experience a person uses certain means that we call indications, marks, signs, and symbols." "First, indications, marks, signs, and symbols all convey news from beyond the boundaries of immediate experience by co-presenting in the experience everything that is thematically, interpretatively, and motivationally rel- evant to the actually present experience but in some way or other trans- cends the kernel of the experience. Second, signs, even though essentially 'news-bearers,' also help us, in _reciprocal_ communication with other people, to cross the boundaries to them; symbols, although essentially embodiments of a different reality in the everyday world, can, in combina- tion with certain (namely, ritualized) acts, be of assistance in crossing the boundaries to other realities, including the last boundary. An indication points to something other than itself, something disguised, hidden, or absent, and makes it accessible in the reference of experience. It brings a person the tangible news about what lies spatially and tempor- ally beyond his reach. A particular form of indication, the corporeal expression, points to something that is not just 'accidentally' outside one's spatial and temporal reach, but is in principle not apprehensible otherwise than through such a reference: the Other's consciousness. Marks help 'overcome' the barrier to the future by projecting, now, memories for later; they transmit information to one's own future: like memories, but tangible and planned. Signs combine indicational and mark-like components in an intersubjectively compelling manner; in concrete and anonymous reciprocity they carry news of a like kind from one to the other - and back. Symbols give information concerning non-everyday realities, or news about the everyday realm from that non-everyday perspective, which is disclosed as completely different from it. All these means are based on appresentation, a performance of conscious- ness that is essential to life-world experience." For all intents and purposes, disembodiment, and for all its dialectical tracings, references a state of absence and mourning, phonecalls from the dead which are part of the construct of the uncanny of cybermind. This uncanny, a replacement for an unconscious, is a flux of transmission/ reception sites of inscriptions, re. Schutz. The boundary-crossings are trans-terminal (and _terminal_ implies an end-point or node itself), whe- ther within the hyperreal, cyberspatial, irreal, whatever term is (mis)- appropriate. The lend themselves to the reading of voices which, for most of us, is a form of internal speech, the bleak barrier of the other lost, drowned in the shoals of the self, at home, one, with Lingis' murmur of the world as an equally lost whole. I leave you with a quote from Schutz' fifth notebook, which, together with the other four, constituted part of the planning of Structures: "There are as many innumerable kinds of shock experiences as there are finite provinces of meaning that can receive the accent of reality. Examples: falling asleep (cf. Linschoten) as a leap into dream, the theater curatin rises; picture frame; laughter as reaction to wit and involved shift of reality; toys; Kierkegaard's 'instant'; the scientist's decision for the theoretical attitude." And: "What has just been called a 'leap' or a 'shock' is nothing else than a radical modification of the tension of consciousness that results from a different _attention a la vie._" _________________________________________________________________________ Concept Art "I dream'd there would be Spring no more, That Nature's ancient power was lost: The streets were black with smoke and frost, They chatter'd trifles at the door:" (Tennyson, from In Memoriam A.H.H.) No one could beat the work of Mary Perillo, who would place an X into the environment like Cadere's sticks, and that would be the artwork; no one had ever occupied sites in such a fashion, the X designating either the site as a work of art, or functioning itself as a work of X, X-work, the signifier hovering between the two meanings in 1969. There were texts to support the materialization of the site and the dematerialization of the work although all of us knew that the texts were unnecessary, that these events were unique in the history of culture, this alliance of earth with form, the thread connecting the two so thin and tenuous that the form or idea won out in the end. It was Kuspit who described the Kantianism of it all, but we preferred Platonic idealism coupled with late-capitalist rhetoric of progress and tough art; we knew better. There was also anarchy underlying the idea of purity, grappling guerilla-like with site after site, something Kuspit couldn't understand. We thought Kant must have been getting at that in the Critique of Judgement, something Kuspit also couldn't understand. These were hard times and Barbara Reise got caught, hooked, on writing the ultimate definitive book on concept/ual art, found dead after two weeks in her Camdentown flat, where I had visited her with Ian Murray, close Canadian friend reading these very words. She had stayed with me here in New York on one of her forays into feral artgang worlds of the capital corrupt, currently reduced to nasty provincialism. But she taught us the strength of that tough concept art and its cleavage through weaker forms of aesthetics and taught us to believe hard when we did believe. Hard it was then to see later that the art was ruled by fallacy, that every gesture and every moment connects with equal uniqueness, just a walk across a room in 2024, for example, something I probably won't see too well, my eyes dimmed and almost blind. Every difference inscribes itself unique within the plenitude of the world, every letter sequence of any length exhausts the remnants of time with the hundred or thousand or ten thousand computers or monkeys, the remnants of time torn and bewildered by this emphasis on individuality, on progress, on the newborn new, this essential elemental _misrecognition of progress_ that constitutes progress itself. It's as if the purity of these acts guaranteed their certain strength, as if the purity rendered them undefiled, whereas we now know that every act is defiled equally, every act is a moment of dissolution, the body on its way towards certain collapse. Not the necessary dissolution of death, but those markers that Schutz refers to, this collapse through the incrementation of future memory and its exhaustion; each and every act becomes contaminated or polluted this very day within this very world. There is nothing implicit, nothing in- trinsic. Exhausted, we stand one way or another before or behind meaning. We work it though. The global culture is a panoply of intelligent agents, meso- and electronic, manual and other labors. The global culture falls apart upon faulty reception, and reception is always already faulty, always already at fault. There is nothing but reception. (Not the necessary dissolution of death, but those markers.) Mary Perillo's X's were more than magnificent, the last vestige of the destiny of the sign. _________________________________________________________________________ Cybermind "As theoreticians or witnesses, spectators, observers, and intellectuals, scholars believe that looking is sufficient. Therefore, they are not always in the most competent position to do what is necessary: speak to the specter." (Derrida, Specters of Marx) You need me. _________________________________________________________________________