With Crete as its hub, the Minoan Network wired the bronze age Aegean, connecting the Cyclades by way of sea-duction.
Naxos, Thera, Andros, Chios -- trading posts and shipping ports were establish on nearly every island as each was assimilated into the Minoan Network. There is evidence that the Network reached as far as Troy and Egypt. Minoan trinkets have been found in the North, and Obsidian from Melos, surely a terminal in the network, has been unearthed in Egypt.
Each island in the Network was tapped for the resources it could provide, with much of the goods being transferred to Crete, traded between the many island states, or exported.
Throughout the region, the transfer of people and processing of goods was controlled by the Minoan temple culture centered at the Cretan city of Knossos, location of the Labyrinth. Despite the Minoan expansion from LAN to WAN, it must be noted that the territory of the empire was mostly water -- the Network excelled through connectivity, the bands, wires, cables drawn between the here and there. T[h]reading through vacancy, terminal to terminal.