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...the exo-psyche is susceptible to the same swings and re:motions as the original. The trans|missive agent may fail at anytime. It is, after all, the nomad of the middle-where, as well as the hero of the bi.narrative construct. As such, the transmissive agent is engaged in a far more rigorous mythos than that of the original. I look completely different on TV, on the screen, in photographs, in text... But, this is timeless and natural -- the achronic chronic act of synama -- as Laing states, "if {I == 1 && I==0}; metastrophe true; else {I==[x]} & exe.stream true." This complex is constructed through the mediation of self with other, and self through cell.f. It is the task of the trans|missive agent, the inverter and inventor of the mask and screen to exe.pand the interpenetration of public and private space. The I.terminal locates the public within the private, at face value, while making the private public through communification... |
...re:mote and re:moved from the base, no longer moving at a sleepy crawl, time is in a constant now, between the bracketed thens of past or future. I wait, I wait. I re:turn. I return trans|formed. The re:turned inVention, in my space, is the mechanized product of a local and re:mote collaboration -- more than me, I am {now, in the f.logometric moment, the [N] of any/every bracketed segment of time}. The inVention at the screen, my screen, my face looking back at myself is the signal of successful attachment. Now, though body remains here, I am there... (If and) when attachment is no longer required -- when the apparatus is re:internalized and made organic -- we enter an other life where the body is indistinguishable from the cipher and hum.andity is perceived as part of the natural world -- even in exe.stream exe.tension we are bound to the mother-generator. Concerns over cyborganization as a political formation will become dull and pointless, but are sure to rise again -- as a mediating product of this very boredom... |
...of course every exe.tension of hum.andity is false to the Original. The Original has no substance (but it does have a body) -- every other is Cell.f to the Original, even the body is mask, a surface. This is completely false. The Original only imagines itself outside of the containment of exe.tension, mistaking agency for an external State, an invasion. In so doing, the Original denies the [pro]jection of agency and no machine can be constructed, no construction can be con.ducted because the Original denies all transmission. In this scenario, the Original has constructed the knot.work within itself, hiding the actual Cell.f of I. The inversion here is as complex as that of the exo-psyche and it may be argued that this cautious self-rendering of the Original, firewalls that cannot authenticate the entity, are in fact the sublime, and base realities behind hyperlobal bi.narrative space. So, the narrative remains inactive, the next continues the now, and the Cell.f exe.tensions of I are wound like a clock spring from the in/outside out/in... |
...0.[N] the other hand, [I + body] pro|motes the f(r)iction of contained (organized) chaos. The body-whole as a self contained apparatus, the meta-historical I that I am pretends at singularity and despotism over any/every other. On the contrary, it plays, as well, at pretending to appear attached. The operator multi-tasks between multiple X.terminals and inter.faces (mirrors, scrims). I move the objects away from the walls, out of the corners, piling everything in the center of the room [17 inches across] and then I started sorting through the junk, digging through ages... Now, InTent sees the Past as the Next. This convolution is capital as simulation is stimulation. Oh, such moody currency... Flickering, twittering toward (the light) every emergent impulse. The Critic is not so worried about the abandoned body as he is with the storing of mentality elsewhere... |
...there is no discerning self from Cell.f, the I, the projected and trans|missive agents of the Original as it passes through the apparatus -- there is only con.cern. Communification renders [I]dentity elemental -- dys.constructing body with body-elsewhere, as stated elsewhere. To a certain extent this exoticizes the I for I, for the Original, as the replication and exe.tension of agency is replacement -- sub.stitution. The re:mote body is re:turned in a devalued state. There is something missing from the exe.tension [for:getting.0]... So, the operation ends in metastrophe... is re:peated (buried for a time)... You have already watched me dig it up... |
...the cyb|org sheds its hull, falls apart -- de.parts -- and I find dys.comfort in no-ing all this time. The Critic says I am too severe, thay I have produced another op.position. In f(r)act I would agree. But, all I've done (all I does) is collect and collate -- then com.post. We are the synama of this -- working counter to the fluid analog of the ol' days, everything is coordinated... The cyborganic I is pixelated, digitized at the fingertips and at the screen... The screen, with its dressing up and veiling of the secrets of the apparatus is the seductive force that draws us to touch the media/um. As well, the screen, though flat, cold -- a true surface -- is transmuted into something seemingly fleshy. At least porous... Or, perhaps our fingers, digits reach back to poke us in the eye, reaching back toward the Original through a series of hand-offs -- playing hot potato with the self and Cell.f... |
...in f(r)act, all trans|missive agency is meaningless to the apparatus-- as stated elsewhere, the apparatus feels nothing. These 'little puppet repeats' of the Original are the creation of the Original... Yet, they, though posing as, are not the Original, nor part of the Original to the Original -- they are de.parted, animated yet inanimate... The synama of this is identical, though Original should be replaced with [I], which is other at the other end of the ideoscope -- the location of sup|posed authority. The authority that projects itself as protag, hero and pun(c)turator of the document encodes, mythologizes and turns into LAW the pun(c)turated document. This is a re:membering of self to other, the other that is I. Although this re:presents a collapse or deviation from identity, perhaps even the de.mise of self, it is in f(r)act a simulative exe.tension of hum.andity and a seductive mask of communification. We meet as media... Outward from the solitary selftop, the personal space of I is transformed to fit as module -- as molecule of otherspace made spaceless -- the e.scape is only horizon... |
...we inVent so much we leave little space/time for ourselves. We are reduced. The Next of I, which is We, only imagines the Original -- s(t)imulating everything else. That is to say, any/every Cell.f is necessarily Cell.f. An erasure of its own re:marks. The [Original + body] : the in|divid.ule operator, does not recognize the I as collective, as an array of always attached agents -- specific diplomats for specific applications. Or, this is all the Operator knows -- [N] does a good job... |
mediation |
scope |
lectic |
critical |
logical |
gression |
version |
matic |
strophe |
graphic |
motion |
function |
tactic |
cratic |
sphere |
metry |
static |
jecture |
nymic |
nomous |
mergency |
text |
texture |
lation |
plex |
geneous |
genic |
vention |
termination |
lexic |
fixation |
portation |
spective |
thetic |
sensual |
physics |
tactile |
textile |
netic |
schema |
structure |
tention |
cept |
lingual |
volution |
lateral |
linear |
tronic |
phoria |
allax |
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