real margin |
inter.actual |
» MINIFESTO 1 Mar. 10 2000/ 2:15AM
We, the original [eye:arch]ON dictate the NEXT. Our Secret(e) agents produce narra(c)tive singularities throughout the apparatus, framing active Time so that it may be re:peated.
We isolate and encode action, store data to be re:stored, re:turned to the originating agents of all sub.sequent desire. The center shifts. Our territory increases as it is privatized - constructing, compiling sarcophagi to surround our finest treasures. Planting seeds afar, rumors of glory - to collide and collate - pulse - form galaxies - BANG! Bi.narrative communification is rendered in the wreck, the mess in the middle, the collision of incompatible transmissions, arising from the eroded ruins of miscommunication.The numbers are off.
» MINIFESTO 2 Jan. 21 2000/ 11:00PM
The Earth's own active crust
we are, building, building -- up and out - antannae, towers to tele*. We *.fect the atmosphere as we move through it, construct the infosphere as we move through it, striving toward communification. Our hyperlobal expectations spread knowledge into no.ledge, far, wide, thin -- surrounded by, and so -- without. I cannot contain myself and so I spread out- pan - send out signals, smoke and otherwise, waiting for the Echo. Waiting for logos to give me a sine.
» MINIFESTO 3 Feb. 12 2000/ 1:40AM
Part of me is all used up, not enough, [-1] - the world has accelerated, raised stakes and frequency - pitched - at the edge, leaning out/into open [spaceless] space - the actualized delusion, dysillusion of the corpus artaud, this sign and that are laid end to end, overlapped to extend the premise, the I that I am there. I am not who I want to be there - I am not enough - I am antiquated so pull the plug why don't you... The machine is not equipped with the modern, yet reliably obsolete modules available today. The machine is built in expectation, more than as an object - the tangible machine, the one you are seated before, is dead already, or returns a dead eye -- slowly -- I can't think fast enough; or, if today you think I think fast enough for you, tomorrow you will reject me - this is my destiny I know.
» MINIFESTO 4 May. 17 2000/ 9:00PM
De.parted and de.ported -- our com.union is constructed from the privileged fragments of an exiled "local"... A re:motional expression that equivocates and reverses here and/with there, dys.places the body with the body-elsewhere. The connection between self and the hyper-lobal organ occurs in metastropic space where return is identical to moving forward and either pole is other. With the archive located elsewhere, we open our minds to extra-mentalism. The self colludes with others as it moves to make this connection and what is deposited elsewhere is never more than collated fragments of I -- the matter it permits, commits to exe.change. And there, at the I of the other we are still in the middle, flowing with the exe.stream of active, immeasurable time. We are fulcra - between other others of various sorts.
WE: personal pronoun of the attached and doubled I, the I as author, scriptor of the now; the humble self-recognition of other as I at the screen
An observation taken from Duane Elgin's Awakening Earth... The Earth itself, with hum.andity as active agent, is coming into consciousness. To a certain extent this could be taken as a claim that hum.andity is an entirely natural process -- that technological evolution is cosmological, a natural phenomenon and expression of the planetary machine. Though, this reading would be contrary to the context of the book.
ECHO: I@other; the re:peat, "face to face, other to other"; the trans|missive multiples; other@I
pro|gress == OBSOLETICS: the now can never be enough. The future is determined by the shortcomings of the now. Obsoletics measures how far we've come by how quickly we got there. In effect, all obsoletic measurements are obsolete in themselves -- the ideal flexs and extends in time to remain chronologically advanced from the now.
CORPUS ARTAUD: an elaboration on the Body Without Organs as outlined by Deleuze and Guattari which takes into consideration containment but includes attachment to organs located elsewhere. Rather than a complete abandonment of organs, the organs, in this case the hyperlobe, are made remote, temporary and only accessed, included when production is required (desired) to pass through them.
PRE|MISE: the environmental determinations that occur prior to conception or construction; formless premedi(t)ation and internal hypermediation -- the dys|solution and overcoding of inTent; the immaterial intellectual property prior to inVention.
Both the transmitted, permitted elements of the original and the re:mote or intercepting agent, the other and her syster; everything behind the screen / beyond the manners of attachment. The body-elsewhere is a collection of unreturned re:mote agents of I, the casualties of counter-intelligences; the deposited fragments -- the body as formed on various re:mote hardrives.
The BODY that remains; the location to which the mythos of trans|missive agency is re:turned; the other of the remote body of we -- in essence, the eye/I that stays behind, waits for re:inforcements, and maintains con.crete termitory for the self. The body where [1] always is.
When everything is crystal clear and susynchronized the passage of meaning through the bi.narrative conduit is smooth, without catches or serration and the doubled trans|missive agent(s) never meet, combat or challenge. The combined inTents perform as components of a single ideocratic device, de.signing, de.veloping and exe.cuting the mechanism that permits their passage.
Translocomotif Double -
Translocomotif Double - my little puppet repeat -
Translocomotif Double - my little puppet repeat - synthetic digit broken body -
Translocomotif Double - my little puppet repeat - synthetic digit broken body - folly fragments of my liquid self -
Translocomotif Double - my little puppet repeat - synthetic digit broken body - folly fragments of my liquid self - submit to terminal hopscotch -
Translocomotif Double - my little puppet repeat - synthetic digit broken body - folly fragments of my liquid self - submit to terminal hopscotch - through all [N]other|world(s) -
Translocomotif Double - my little puppet repeat - synthetic digit broken body - folly fragments of my liquid self - submit to terminal hopscotch - through all [N]other|world(s) - neterkhert -
Translocomotif Double - my little puppet repeat - synthetic digit broken body - folly fragments of my liquid self - submit to terminal hopscotch - through all [N]other|world(s) - neterkhert - to move without moving,
Translocomotif Double - my little puppet repeat - synthetic digit broken body - folly fragments of my liquid self - submit to terminal hopscotch - through all [N]other|world(s) - neterkhert - to move without moving, to do without doing -
Translocomotif Double - my little puppet repeat - synthetic digit broken body - folly fragments of my liquid self - submit to terminal hopscotch - through all [N]other|world(s) - neterkhert - to move without moving, to do without doing - feeling -
Translocomotif Double - my little puppet repeat - synthetic digit broken body - folly fragments of my liquid self - submit to terminal hopscotch - through all [N]other|world(s) - neterkhert - to move without moving, to do without doing - feeling - the politic originates at the eye,
Translocomotif Double - my little puppet repeat - synthetic digit broken body - folly fragments of my liquid self - submit to terminal hopscotch - through all [N]other|world(s) - neterkhert - to move without moving, to do without doing - feeling - the politic originates at the eye, I see you,
Translocomotif Double - my little puppet repeat - synthetic digit broken body - folly fragments of my liquid self - submit to terminal hopscotch - through all [N]other|world(s) - neterkhert - to move without moving, to do without doing - feeling - the politic originates at the eye, I see you, I see.
We see(d) each other.
We see(d) each other. Everywhere and all at once -
We see(d) each other. Everywhere and all at once - never knowing at what point we've left the self for other strata -
We see(d) each other. Everywhere and all at once - never knowing at what point we've left the self for other strata - other re(li)gions -
We see(d) each other. Everywhere and all at once - never knowing at what point we've left the self for other strata - other re(li)gions - the body rendered faithless -
We see(d) each other. Everywhere and all at once - never knowing at what point we've left the self for other strata - other re(li)gions - the body rendered faithless - de|parted as I progress -
We see(d) each other. Everywhere and all at once - never knowing at what point we've left the self for other strata - other re(li)gions - the body rendered faithless - de|parted as I progress - disappear transparent - (f)log(h)o(a)s(t) -
I am certum - certain di.verse - confissive in this action - the vagabond ka. Seurat, Seurat. 1900:pointillism - 2000:pixellism - same same syn.ama - timeless - achronic chronic - be[coming]havior - points the way there, back to here and there. The De|part[mental]ized avatar is scattered, exits into dys|array - a glove inverted Janus I return - I re:turn you - I return.true. disintegrated|integrated.