The Unknown: The Purple Line.
  Copulative Manifesto Concerning Art and Technology Platforms

(Written at Brown, Inspired by William’s “Dick and Jane for Academics”)

Word is blurred.

Word is absurd.

Words are birds.

Language is blank stage.

Prose knows.

Poetries know the trees, bees, seas.

Oral is whorl.

Silence is violence.

Formal is normal.

Rhyme is time.

Content is content.

Lace is space.

Text is hexed.

Textual is sexual.

Graphic is sapphic.

Links are kinks are sinks are blinks are lynx.

Imaging is damaging.

Gaming is saming.

Plot is sought.

Characters are prevaricators.

Closure is exposure.

Endings are mendings.

Nouned is bound.

Verb is curb.

Article is particle.

Preposition is supposition.

Sentence is pretense.

Periods are myriad.

Commas are llamas.

Colon is swollen.

Dash is a brash flash lash.

Page is cage.

Bindings are blinding.

Hypertext is viper vexed.

Collaboration is fabulation.

Platform is fat, warm.

Interface is winter place.

Culture’s mulchers.

Windows blows.

PC is greasy.

Browsers need dowsers.

Mac is back.

Writing is alighting, biting, citing, (in)dicting, excising, frightening, guiding, heightening, eyeing, kiting, lighting, mighting, nighting, plighting, quieting, righting, sighting, tightening, uniting, (in)viting, whitening, (e)xciting, why-ing, z——ing

sickening decadent hypertext novel META fiction al bull shit sort of a doc ument ary corr e spond ence art is cool look at art live read ings