Contents by Title
Electronic Literature Collection Volume One
Accounts of the Glass Sky
by M.D. Coverley, 2002
Keywords: Audio, Fiction, Flash, Visual Poetry or Narrative, Women Authors
All Roads
by Jon Ingold, 2001
Keywords: Fiction, Games, Inform, Interactive Fiction
Bad Machine
by Dan Shiovitz, 1999
Keywords: Codework, Fiction, Games, Interactive Fiction, TADS
Birds Singing Other Birds' Songs
by Maria Mencia, 2001
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Audio, Authors from outside North America, Flash, Multilingual or Non-English, Women Authors
The Cape
by J. R. Carpenter, 2005
Keywords: Audio, Essay/Creative Nonfiction, HTML/DHTML, JavaScript, Place, Women Authors
carrier (becoming symborg)
by Melinda Rackham and Damien Everett, 1999
Keywords: Audio, Authors from outside North America, Collaboration, Critical/Political/Philosophical, Documentary, Games, JavaScript, Memoir, Shockwave, Viral, VRML, Women Authors
Carving in Possibilities
by Deena Larsen, with sounds from Matt Hansen, 2001
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Audio, Collaboration, Flash, Time-Based, Women Authors
Chemical Landscapes Digital Tales
by Edward Falco, with photograms by Mary Pinto and design by Will Stauffer-Norris, 2006
Keywords: Collaboration, Fiction, Flash, HTML/DHTML, Time-Based, Visual Poetry or Narrative, Women Authors
Code Movie 1
by Giselle Beiguelman, with music by Helga Stein, 2004
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Audio, Authors from outside North America, Codework, Flash, Non-Interactive, Text Movie, Women Authors
by Ingrid Ankerson and Megan Sapnar, 2001
Keywords: Audio, Collaboration, Flash, Place, Poetry, Visual Poetry or Narrative, Women Authors
by Reiner Strasser and Alan Sondheim, 2005
Keywords: Audio, Authors from outside North America, Collaboration, Flash, Poetry, Visual Poetry or Narrative
Deviant: The Possession of Christian Shaw
by Donna Leishman, 2004
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Audio, Authors from outside North America, Flash, Place, Visual Poetry or Narrative, Women Authors
Diagrams Series 6: 6.4 and 6.10
by Jim Rosenberg, 2005
Keywords: Conceptual, Constraint-Based/Procedural, Poetry, Squeak
Dreamaphage (Versions 1 and 2)
by Jason Nelson, 2003
Keywords: Audio, Fiction, Flash, Memoir, 3D, Viral
The Dreamlife of Letters
by Brian Kim Stefans, 2000
Keywords: Ambient, Animation/Kinetic, Appropriated Texts, Flash, Non-Interactive
by Robert Kendall, 2002
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Audio, Flash, Music, Poetry
The Fall of the Site of Marsha
by Rob Wittig, 1999
Keywords: HTML/DHTML, Network Forms, Parody/Satire
Frequently Asked Questions about "Hypertext"
by Richard Holeton, 2006
Keywords: Fiction, HTML/DHTML, Hypertext, Network Forms, Parody/Satire
by Emily Short, 2000
Keywords: Chatterbot/Conversational Character, Fiction, Inform, Interactive Fiction, Women Authors
Generative Poetry
by geniwate, with text and images from When You Reach Kyoto by Brian Kim Stefans, 2005
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Audio, Authors from outside North America, Collaboration, Combinatorial, Critical/Political/Philosophical, Essay/Creative Nonfiction, Generative, Place, Shockwave, Time-Based, Visual Poetry or Narrative, Women Authors
Girls' Day Out
by Kerry Lawrynovicz, 2004
Keywords: Appropriated Texts, Combinatorial, Fiction, Flash, Generative, Poetry, Women Authors
by Mary Flanagan, 2006
Keywords: Processing, 3D, Women Authors
I, You, We
by Dan Waber and Jason Pimble, 2005
Keywords: Collaboration, Java, 3D
ii -- in the white darkness: about [the fragility of] memory
by Reiner Strasser and M.D. Coverley, 2004
Keywords: Authors from outside North America, Collaboration, Flash, Memoir, Poetry, Visual Poetry or Narrative, Women Authors
Inanimate Alice, Episode 1: China
by Kate Pullinger and babel, 2005
Keywords: Audio, Authors from outside North America, Children's Literature, Collaboration, Fiction, Flash, Network Forms, Place, Women Authors
Internet Text, 1994-[Through Feb 2, 2006]
by Alan Sondheim, 1994
Keywords: Codework, Critical/Philosophical/Political, Network Forms, Non-Interactive, Performance/Performative
Jean-Pierre Balpe
ou les Lettres Dérangées
by Patrick-Henri Burgaud, 2005
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Animation/Kinetic, Authors from outside North America, Flash, Games, Multilingual or Non-English, Time-Based
The Jew's Daughter
by Judd Morrissey, with contributions from Lori Talley, 2000
Keywords: Collaboration, Fiction, Flash, Hypertext, Stretchtext, Women Authors
by Bill Marsh, 2002
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Audio, Flash, Place, Poetry, Visual Poetry or Narrative
Lexia to Perplexia
by Talan Memmott, 2000
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Critical/Political/Philosophical, HTML/DHTML, JavaScript, Network Forms, Place, Texual Instrument
Like Stars in a Clear Night Sky
by Sharif Ezzat, 2006
Keywords: Audio, Flash, Multilingual or Non-English
my body — a Wunderkammer
by Shelley Jackson, with sound by John Wesley Harding and HTML coding by Ken Fricklas, 1997
Keywords: Audio, Collaboration, HTML/DHTML, Hypertext, Memoir, Visual Poetry or Narrative, Women Authors
by Shawn Rider, 2002
Keywords: Flash, Network Forms, Parody/Satire
by Jim Andrews, 2001
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Audio, Combinatorial, Music, Shockwave, Textual Instrument
On Lionel Kearns
by Jim Andrews, with text and film by Lionel Kearns, 2004
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Audio, Combinatorial, Documentary, Memoir, Music, Shockwave, QuickTime, Textual Instrument
by Daniel C. Howe and Aya Karpinska, 2004
Keywords: Audio, Collaboration, Poetry, 3D, Women Authors
by Millie Niss with Martha Deed, 2004
Keywords: Audio, Collaboration, Combinatorial, Constraint-Based/Procedural, Flash, Games, Generative, Place, Poetry, Women Authors, Wordtoy
Project for Tachistoscope [Bottomless Pit]
by William Poundstone, 2005
Keywords: Audio, Essay/Creative Nonfiction, Non-Interactive, Time-Based
Reagan Library
by Stuart Moulthrop, 1999
Keywords: Combinatorial, Fiction, Hypertext, QuickTime, Visual Poetry or Narrative
by Donna Leishman, 2001
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Audio, Authors from outside North America, Flash, JavaScript, Parody/Satire, Visual Poetry or Narrative, Women Authors
Regime Change
by Noah Wardrip-Fruin, David Durand, Brion Moss, and Elaine Froehlich, 2003
Keywords: Appropriated Texts, Collaboration, Critical/Political/Philosophical, Generative, Java, Network Forms, Parody/Satire, Performance/Performative, Stretchtext, Textual Instrument, Women Authors
by geniwate, with photos by Oscar Ferriero, 1998
Keywords: Audio, Authors from outside North America, Collaboration, Hypertext, Memoir, Place, Poetry, Shockwave, Women Authors
by Emily Short, 2002
Keywords: Fiction, Games, Inform, Interactive Fiction, Women Authors
Self Portrait(s) [as Other(s)]
by Talan Memmott, 2003
Keywords: Combinatorial, Critical/Political/Philosophical, Generative, Parody/Satire
The Set of U
by Philippe Bootz and Marcel Frémiot, 2004
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Audio, Authors from outside North America, Collaboration, Combinatorial, Generative, Multilingual or Non-English, Music, Non-Interactive, Shockwave
by Kenneth Goldmith, 2002
Keywords: Appropriated Texts, Conceptual, HTML/DHTML, Memoir, Performance/Performative
Star Wars, one letter at a time
by Brian Kim Stefans, 2005
Keywords: Appropriated Texts, Audio, Conceptual,Flash, Non-Interactive, Performance/Performative
Stir Fry Texts
by Jim Andrews with Brian Lennon and Pauline Masurel, 1999
Keywords: Appropriated Texts, Collaboration, Combinatorial, HTML/DHTML, Network Forms, Stretchtext, Women Authors
by Nanette Wylde, 2002
Keywords: Audio, Combinatorial, Fiction, Generative, Women Authors
by Dan Waber, 1999
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Flash
Stud Poetry
by Marko Niemi, 2006
Keywords: Combinatorial, Games, Generative, JavaScript, Poetry, Wordtoy
by Reiner Strasser and Alan Sondheim, 2004
Keywords: Audio, Authors from outside North America, Collaboration, Flash, Place, Poetry, Visual Poetry or Narrative
by Lance Olsen and Tim Guthrie, 2005
Keywords: Audio, Collaboration, Fiction, Flash, Visual Poetry or Narrative
by John Cayley, with music by Giles Perring, 2004
Keywords: Ambient, Appropriated Texts, Audio, Authors from outside North America, Collaboration, Constraint-Based/Procedural, Generative, Multilingual or Non-English, Music, QuickTime, Textual Instrument, Time-Based, Translation
Twelve Blue
by Michael Joyce, 1996
Keywords: Fiction, HTML/DHTML, Hypertext, Storyspace
by babel and escha, 2005
Keywords: Animation/Kinetic, Audio, Authors from outside North America, Collaboration, Flash, Generative, Music, Non-Interactive, Visual Poetry or Narrative, Women Authors
White-Faced Bromeliads on 20 Hectares
by Loss Pequeño Glazier, 1999
Keywords: Generative, HTML/DHTML, JavaScript, Multilingual or Non-English, Place, Translation
Whom the Telling Changed
by Aaron A. Reed, 2005
Keywords: Fiction, Inform, Interactive Fiction
by John Cayley, 1999
Keywords: Ambient, Appropriated Texts, Audio, Authors from outside North America, Multilingual or Non-English, Poetry, QuickTime, Text Movie
by John Cayley, with photographs and additional production by Douglas Cape, 2002
Keywords: Ambient, Authors from outside North America, Collaboration, Poetry, QuickTime, Textual Instrument, Time-Based